Search a Scheduled Program

This page will provide you with instructions on how to search for a Scheduled Program record in Paradigm.

  1. Choose Courses > Course Offers > Search Course Offer menus on the side. Enter any of the search criteria: Scheduled Program ID, Course ID, Start Date, Expected End Date, Offer Start Date, Offer Expected End Date, Status and click SEARCH.

  1. This will return a list of Scheduled Programs that meet your searched criteria (If the name and ID are not entered exactly the same as what has been recorded in Paradigm).

If the return list needs more filters for you to get to the Scheduled Program record that you want to search or view, you have the option to type a keyword in the Filter Box, this will reduce the number of results.

  1. Take note of the following heading fields in the table that you can use to group the results:

    • Offer Start and Expected End Date - the Scheduled Program dates open for enrolment

    • Enrolment Status - the default course enrolment status once the student enrols

    • Start Date - the Course of the study start date

    • Current Participants - how many students are currently enrolled in the Course

    • Scheduled Program ID - system-generated ID when the Scheduled Program was created

    • Program Id - the Course Code

    • Home Institution - the Provider that's offering the Scheduled Program

    • Status - the status of the record in Paradigm (Active | Archived)

    • Contact Mode - the default contact mode when enrolled on the Scheduled Program

    • Funding Type - the default funding type when enrolled on the Schedule Program

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