Associate a Contact to Scheduled Units

This page will provide you with instructions on how to add a Contact (Teacher/Lecturer) to a Scheduled Unit in Paradigm

Prerequisite Records

Prior to following the instructions below, the following are assumed to be true:

  • The Scheduled Units that you want to be associated with a specific contact person/teacher/lecturer already exist, see Add Scheduled Units

  • The Contact record that you want to associate with the Scheduled Units already exists with the assigned role specific to your business or institution's role for Scheduled Units, e.g. Lecturer, Teacher/Tutor, see Assign Roles to a Contact


Per Scheduled Unit

  1. Search for the Scheduled Unit record that you want to add a contact (teacher/lecturer), see Search a Scheduled Unit.

  2. Once the Scheduled Unit record is loaded, go to the Teacher field and select the contact person from the dropdown list. This field is associated with your Contacts Record which has a Lecturer or Teacher /Tutor role, see Assign Roles to a Contact.

Another field available for you to enter a Contact Name without the need to add them to your Contacts record is via the next field named Contact Name. This is a free-text entry field that will allow you to enter a name directly on the Scheduled Unit record.

  1. After adding the name or associating your Contact to the Scheduled Unit, click the SAVE SCHEDULED UNIT button to save your changes.

One Contact to Selected Scheduled Units

This workflow will let you associate a Contact record in Paradigm to one or more Scheduled Units via the Contacts menu.

  1. Is the Contact person already recorded in your Contacts list? Try searching. Refer to the Search a Contact record instructions. If the Contact record does not exist yet, add the contact person first, refer to the Add a Contact Record Workflow for the instructions.

  2. If the record already exists in the system, load the record and make sure that the role(s) required are assigned accordingly, see Assign Roles to a Contact.

  3. With the Contact record loaded, go to the ADD CONTACT'S ROLE FOR SCHEDULED UNITS section of the page and search for the Scheduled Units that you want the contact/person to be associated with.

  1. Select the Scheduled Units that you want the contact/person to be associated with. In the Role column, also select the specific assigned role of the contact/person that you want for each Scheduled Unit.


The Role column options are limited to the currently assigned roles of the contact/person loaded that you want to be associated with the Scheduled Units.

  1. Click the ADD ROLE TO SCHEDULED UNITS button to apply the settings. You can expect to receive a success message upon the successful completion of the action.

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