Reschedule Units in Bulk

This page will provide you with instructions on how to reschedule units by copying details from existing Scheduled Units in Paradigm


Old scheduled units should NOT be updated and reused again as this will alter the dates for students previously enrolled on the unit. A new schedule or a reschedule needs to be created each time the unit is run.


  1. Choose the Units > Scheduled Unit Details > Reschedule Units options from the menu. Enter any combination of Unit Code, Unit Name, Unit Provider, Start Date, End Date (Paradigm requires at least one search criteria), and select the SEARCH SCHEDULED UNIT button.

  1. This will return a list of units that meet the searched criteria. To filter the returned options if necessary, you can type keywords on the Filter Box. The list of returned results will be reduced to match the criteria.

Select the Scheduled Units that you want to reschedule by checking the checkbox against the Scheduled Unit. To select all, check the header checkbox on the last column.

  1. After selecting the Scheduled Units to be rescheduled, go to the next section named EDIT SCHEDULED UNIT DETAILS and edit the fields you want to set as default values for all the Scheduled Units selected.


Any of the fields where you enter a value will be applied to every new Scheduled Unit that has been selected for rescheduling. Please ensure that you enter a value for only the fields that are to have identical values across all your selected units.

Additional information is recommended, however, these fields are required to create a viable and functioning Scheduled Unit record. Each of the selected scheduled unit records will be copied, and the fields that you change within the Scheduled Unit Details section will overwrite the contents of those fields in the newly created Scheduled Units while leaving those fields unchanged in the original scheduled units' fields.

You also have the option to skip copying the assessments and fees related to the Scheduled Units selected.

  1. Click on the RESCHEDULE SELECTED UNITS button. Each of the scheduled units whose record was checked will now have a new Scheduled Unit record with the details as they appear in the Edit Scheduled Unit Details section.

Video Tutorial

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