Add Attachments to Course records

This page will provide you with instructions on how to add attachments to a Base Course record in Paradigm.


The instructions below assume that the Base Course record where you want to add the attachments already exists in Paradigm, see Add a Base Course.


  1. Load the Base Course record, see Search a Base Course record.

  2. Once you’ve loaded the course record that you want to add an attachment to, you can either choose Courses > Edit Details > Files menus on the side to get to the add file section, or scroll down the page and look for the ASSOCIATED FILE ATTACHMENTS section. Click the ADD FILE ATTACHMENT button.

  1. Refer to the Base Course record type Associated File Attachments Section for a description of each field.

  1. Select the Choose file button to upload the file you want to attach and click the SAVE FILE ATTACHMENT button.

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