Copy Course Details to a New Course

This page will provide you with instructions on how to copy some details of an existing Base Course record in Paradigm to a New Base Course record.


Do not use multiple tabs in the same or separate browser windows at the same time as it can potentially splice together the data from multiple records.

The new course will require a new Course ID. The Course ID field is unique and cannot be duplicated.


  1. Load the Base Course record that you want to copy some of the details or information, see Search a Base Course record.

  2. With the Base Course record loaded, open another browser, e.g. Firefox or Edge. Copy the link from the address bar of your current browser to the other browser. We need to do this so that neither record can become corrupted during the process.

The first window will contain the details of the original course and the second window will have a blank new course record ready to be populated.

  1. Copy and paste the required information for each field, into the new course record in the second window. Enter any other available information to the new course and then click the SAVE COURSE button.


In the sample screenshot above, the course fields from the first screen (Chrome) are being referenced to another browser (Firefox) on the right. After copying and pasting the required details from one browser to the other, when the SAVE COURSE button is clicked, a new course record will now be added in Paradigm.

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