Delete a Base Course record

This page will provide you with instructions on how to delete a Base Course record in Paradigm.


Deleting a Base Course record is not recommended if there are already students enrolled in the course. If you opt to delete a Base Course record, you have to make sure that there are no students enrolled in the course and also make sure to remove the course outline rules before attempting to delete the course.

Data Entry Note

As an alternative that retains the historical course data, you can change its Course Status value from Active to Archived. Refer to the Archive a Base Course record workflow to edit the course record and edit the status of the record accordingly.


  1. Load the Base Course record, see Search a Base Course record.

  2. With the Base Course record loaded, go down the page and click the DELETE COURSE button.

  3. A pop-up window in the middle of the screen will appear wanting to confirm your delete action. Click DELETE COURSE to proceed.

confirmation message when deleting a Base Course record

Last updated