Duplicate Base Course records

This page will provide you with instructions on how to duplicate Base Course records in Paradigm.


The latest version of Paradigm no longer supports this workflow, particularly for Base Course records that are reportable to TCSI. This workflow was designed for older system versions and records not intended for TCSI reporting.

  1. Load the Base Course record that you want to duplicate, see Search a Base Course record.

  2. With the Base Course record loaded, edit the Course Id or Course Code field to the new Base Course record that you want to create given the existing Base Course record details.

Editing an existing course record this way will not override or update the existing Course ID and all its related information. It will create a duplicate course record that has all the same data but it will have a new Course ID in the system.

  1. With the new Course ID or Code entered, scroll down and click the SAVE COURSE button. This will now create a duplicate record of that course with another Course ID in the system.

Refer to the Edit a Base Course record workflow to edit the new Base Course record that you just created via duplication.

Last updated