Quality Assurance Checklist

Paradigm can now give you options to set a checklist for a Course Enrolment. The lists are created via the Courses > Quality Assurance screen and can be added to each course whichever is applicable via the Course Edit Details screen. The assessments or quality assurance list assigned for each Course will then be verified for each student's Course Enrolment record via the Student > Course Enrolment > Quality Assurance menu.

The Quality Assurance Checklist can be categorised by the following:

QA CategoryDescription

Course Application Checklist

checklists related to the application of the course

Course Enrolment Checklist

requirements to check related to the Course Enrolment

Course Graduation Checklist

list to check for graduation eligibility

Course FEE-HELP Checklist

for students who are accessing FEE-HELP

Course Withdrawal Checklist

for cases when students withdraw from their studies

Course Deferral Checklist

if students defer from their studies

Course RPL Checklist

when giving credits to students

Refer to the following workflows for instructions on how this feature works:

Add a Course Quality Assurance Checklist

  1. Navigate to Courses > Quality Assurance Editor menus on the side.

  2. Within the AVAILABLE CHECKLISTS section, you will find a listing of the checklists that have been created thus far. If this is your initial attempt at creating a checklist, the list will be empty.

list of Course Quality Assurance Checklist that have been created so far
  1. To add a new checklist, go to the EDIT CHECKLIST section and click the NEW button.

adding a new checklist
  1. Enter the required fields. Refer to the following guide on how to fill out the fields:

    • Checklist - enter the title or the heading of the checklist that you want to create, e.g. Course Enrolment Checklist

    • Checklist Description - enter a more detailed description of what the checklist will do. The description you will enter here will be displayed in the Student Quality Assurance screen which helps with the data entry

    • From Date and Through Date - applicable if the checklist that you created has an effective date or a date range when it's only applicable. Note that setting these fields will set the effectivity of the list to only within the specified dates. The list outside of the dates set will make the list no longer available.

    After adding the checklist heading, click the SAVE button.

adding the checklist heading details and saving it
  1. After saving the heading, go to the CHECKLIST ITEMS below and click the ADD CONDITION button to start adding the list. Your checklist items should contain the heading of the item on the list and the questions on the right.

clicking the ADD CONDITION button to start adding the checklist items
adding the checklist items

Continuously click the ADD CONDITION button to include additional items in the list. Once you've added everything, simply press the SAVE button to add your checklist.

  1. You may now proceed to associate the checklist you've just created with a specific course. Please refer to the instructions provided below for guidance.

Edit a Course Quality Assurance Checklist

  1. Navigate to Courses > Quality Assurance Editor menus on the side.

  2. In the AVAILABLE CHECKLISTS section, you will see the available checklists that have been created so far. Click the Checklist item that you want to edit.

  3. Go to the EDIT CHECKLIST and CHECKLIST ITEMS sections below and edit the fields and items accordingly. Note that the items can't be deleted, you only have the option to toggle its visibility.

selecting a checklist to edit
  1. After editing the checklist, click the SAVE button.

Add the Checklist to the Base Course Record (where it applies)

After you have created your checklist for a Course, you can then add them to the Base Courses record where you want them to apply. By doing this, existing students and future enrolees of the Course will have the list on their Course Enrolment record where you can check if they have met your requirements | assessments | lists.

  1. Load the Base Course record where you want to apply the checklist and navigate to the QUALITY ASSURANCE CHECKLIST section.

  2. Go to the checklist category where your checklist could possibly belong, e.g. Course Graduation Checklist if the checklist is related to graduation.


The Quality Assurance Checklist section is initially hidden. To show it or change labels, use the form field and label IDs below, see Edit Labels and Edit Form Fields.

Quality Assurance Checklist section in the Base Course record

The Quality Assurance Checklist labels and forms can be customised by the following IDs:

#Section | Checklist ItemsField Label IDForm Field ID


Quality Assurance Checklist Section




Course Application Checklist




Course Enrolment Checklist




Course Graduation Checklist




Course FEE-HELP Checklist




Course Withdrawal Checklist




Course Deferral Checklist




Course RPL Checklist



  1. In the category that you have selected, select the checklist that you created and click the SAVE COURSE button. Note that you can apply a checklist for each category depending on your course requirements, e.g. a Course can have a checklist for Course Graduation and Course Enrolment, etc.

setting the checklist that applies to the Course
  1. After adding the checklists to the Base Course records, you can start checking each student's Course Enrolment records. Refer to the workflow Record a Quality Assurance or Assessment for the instructions.

Quick Demo

Check the brief demonstration below on adding a checklist and linking it to the course.

brief demonstration of adding a Quality Assurance Checklist and linking it to a Course
Record a Quality Assurance or Assessment

Last updated