Set the Course Enrolment Progression Level

This page contains instructions on how to set a Course Enrolment Progression Level


To keep track of the Student's progress on the current enrolled Course of Study in your business or institution, you have the option to set the Course Progression Level. The Course Enrolment progression level can be considered as a Course Grade Item in the system. This can help you to be more actively involved in your Students' studies and can enable you to take action as necessary.

Edit Course Progression Level Items

The Course Progression Level categories can be configured to suit your naming convention via the System > Edit Grade Items menu options. The Grade Type Id that you need to search and edit is the "COURSE_GRADE". Refer to the instructions in the workflow Grade Schema to edit and add progression-level categories or items.


  1. Load the Studentโ€™s Summary page where you want to set a Course Progression Level, see Search a Student record.

  2. After loading the studentโ€™s record, go to the COURSE ENROLMENTS section and set the Progression Level column against the Course Enrolment record accordingly.

Progression Level set in the Student Summary screen

Click OK to confirm your action.

Alternatively, you can edit the Course Enrolment record and edit the fields for Progression Status, Progression Level and Progression Level Date Set.

Progression Level fields set in the Course Enrolment record

Last updated