Certify Unit Enrolment Grades Enrolled in a Scheduled Unit

To certify Unit Enrolment grades, you need to have the "Grade Certifier" role assigned to your account. If you're unsure how to set up this role, please consult the "Assign a Role to a Contact Record" guide. Right now, the system allows up to three certifiers to fully certify Unit Enrolment grades.

Here's how to certify Unit Enrolment grades enrolled in a Scheduled Unit:

  1. Go to the Units > Scheduled Unit Details > Student Results menus on the side.

  2. Locate the Scheduled Unit for which you want to certify the Unit Enrolment grades.

  3. Once you've found the Scheduled Unit ID, click the ACTIONS button next to it and select the Grade Certification option.

  • Important considerations:

    • Currently, the system permits up to three certifiers to achieve full certification for Unit Enrolment grades.

    • Certification Order: If you hold the role of Certifier 2, you can only certify after Certifier 1 has already done so. If Certifier 1 is certified, you can proceed with certification at this point.

    • Button Availability: The "CERTIFY UNIT ENROLMENT" button you see depends on your assigned certifier role number. For example, as a "Grade Certifier 1," you'll find the "CERTIFY UNIT ENROLMENT 1" button.

  1. Select the Unit Enrolment grades that you wish to certify.

  2. Click the CERTIFY UNIT ENROLMENT button.

By following these steps, you'll certify the selected Unit Enrolment grades. The next certifier can then certify the grades, or if you're the last certifier, the grades will be finalised and fully certified, ready to be published.

Certify a Unit Enrolment GradePublish Final Grades of Students Enrolled in a Scheduled Unit

Last updated