Record Grade Descriptions to Units linked to a Student's Course Enrolment

This page contains instructions on how to enter a Final Grade Description for the Unit Enrolments of an individual student in a particular Course


Recording Grade Descriptions for units linked to an individual Student's Course Enrolment is possible via the Units Edit screen. One of the fields that you can record on this screen is each unit's final grade description.


  1. Load the Student's Course Enrolment record where you want to update the Final Grade Description of its related Unit Enrolments, see Load a Course Enrolment record

  2. With the Course Enrolment record loaded, choose the Student > Course Enrolment > Units Edit menus on the side. This will load a page with all the units enrolled by that student, and all the possible fields you can edit or update, in the UNITS ENROLLED BY STUDENT section.

  3. In the Grade Description column, select the Grade Description accordingly for each Unit Enrolment and click the SAVE ENROLMENTS button.

Saving the changes will only update the Grade Description field of the Academic Outcomes section of each Unit Enrolment.

To publish the grades, refer to the Publish Selected Student Unit Enrolments to a Specific Grade Description workflow, or if you want to publish the grade per Unit Enrolment record, refer to the Publish a Unit Enrolment Final Grade workflow.

If you want to withhold the published grade from being visible to the student until a future specified date, you can set that grade release date when you want the student to be able to view the published grades by referring to the Schedule a Grade Release Date for a Student Unit Enrolments workflow before you follow the instructions to publish the grades. If you want to update it per Unit Enrolment record, refer to the Schedule a Unit Enrolment Grade Release Date workflow.

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