Nested Operators Using the AND and OR Rule Set

This page will provide an overview and examples creating nested operators using the AND and OR Rule Set in Report Builder


Adding more complex operators can become complicated and disorganised from the database point of view and to other users of your report. Organising your clause inside each AND or RULE set will tell the system to assess the conditions or clauses in the inner AND or RULE set of a rule set first before evaluating the clauses outside of it. Report Builder is capable of processing nested operators, as discussed in this knowledge article.

Example 1

Report that checks for Unit Enrolments that are enrolled on a specific Program or Course and are still not paid.

This example shows AND rules set and that filter clauses can be grouped into multiple AND Rule Set for more organised and better readability of the clauses

The first AND Rule Set contains the conditions on what Course or Program the Students you want to include in the output are enrolled into and at the same time a condition of the Unit Enrolment statuses.

A second AND Rule Set contains the filter clauses for the financial information checking of each Unit Enrolment that belongs to the Course and with the Unit Enrolment status set in the above rule set.

In the sample filter clauses above, it will return all data that meet all the conditions set in both rule sets, e.g. selecting Students who are enrolled in "BAAcc". Refer to the sample output below:

Example 2

A report that will output Students who are enrolled on a Course on a specific start date and those who have a Country or Citizenship as "Australia".

This example shows a combination of AND and OR Rule Set filter clauses.

The first group contains the conditions that should return true for all the fields required. The three filter clauses are put under the AND Rule Set.

The second group of filter clauses are added under the OR Rule Set as it only requires either of the conditions set to be true for it to return true, in this case, the Country and Citizenship as either or both in "Australia".

In the sample filter clauses above, it will return data that are true in all three conditions under the AND Rule Set and either or both of the conditions under the OR Rule Set, e.g. selecting all Courses and Enrolment Statuses. Refer to the sample output below:

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