User-Defined Parameters

This page will provide an overview and example of how to utilise the User Defined Parameters section in Report Builder


The User Defined Parameters section of Report Builder can be used for entering user-specified parameters. This section is currently used for adding a DISTINCT statement for the Report Output to return only distinct values.

Scenario 1

An example would be using the Report Builder to create a list of Students that you want to include in bulk list operations, e.g. sending bulk communications to Students who are still in an "Applied" status

The workflow below shows an example of generating a list of students to include in a bulk list.

Workflow 1

  1. You can use the "Student Course Enrolment Details" as the Base Report.

  2. In the REPORT COLUMNS section, you can add here the Student Number, First and Last Name. Do not include fields here that might make a student record appear twice in the result, e.g. Course Id or any fields related to Course Enrolments.

fields to add in the REPORT COLUMNS section
  1. Add your conditions in the FILTER CLAUSES section. As for this example, the intention is to make a bulk list of Students who are still in the "Applied" status, the filter in the screenshot below is added:

Refer to Step 4 - Add Filter Clauses instructions for more details.

filter clause added in the FILTER CLAUSES section
  1. After adding your conditions, go to the User Defined Parameters tab, click the PLUS sign to add a parameter and enter "DISTINCT" on all three columns.

  1. You can now proceed to the FORMAT REPORT section to produce your report. Select the Bulk Student Select option if you are about to use the list for any bulk operation available in Paradigm, see Bulk Student Select for more details. Refer to Step 6 - Save Report instructions if you want to save your report.

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