Base Reports

This page will provide a description, potential use, and newly added fields for each Base Report that are made available in Report Builder


Base Reports in Paradigm are composed and maintained by Silverband. They produce a cross-section of data and those reports may then be customised and saved by users to meet specific business requirements.

Each Base Report is designed to generate a specific record type in the system combined with others to make it more readable. For example, a Base Report called "Student Course Enrolment Details" tells about the students' Course Enrolments records in the system. What makes up the whole story are what we call fields, e.g. the Enrolment Status Code, Course Name, etc.

The first step when building your report in Paradigm is to select a Base Report that contains the fields that you need for your report. It is important that you are familiar with the Base Reports that are already available in Paradigm so you will know what to use depending on your requirements.

To view the complete list of fields for each Base Report below, load the report in Report Builder and check under the REPORT COLUMNS section, see STEP 1 - Select a Base Report workflow for more details.

The following are some of the Base Reports that are being made available in Report Builder for your perusal. Read the description and potential use for each Base Report, and if we have added new fields to the report:

Academic Term

Broad Area of Focus

This report provides the details of the Academic Year, Academic Term, and Census Time Periods created in your system. Each Time Period record will have the Name, Label, Dates, Provider, Visibility Status, etc.

Potential Use

If you want to check the settings of the visibility status of each Time Period (Academic Year | Term | Census) you have created, you can run this report and check the Visibility field. Checking/Comparing the dates of each Time Period created can also be made faster by running this report

Accounting Agent Gross Commissions View

Broad Area of Focus

This report provides the agent gross commission amount received from your business or institution for each Course Fee Payment they are entitled to. The report includes the invoice details, the Students' Numbers - Names - Payment Details, Sales Agents' Details, and the Commission Details

Potential Use

To check the total commission amount each of your agents is receiving, and also if you want to check the details of the agents' commission fields.

Accounting Agent View Details

Broad Area of Focus

This report provides the details of all the Accounting-related transactions you created for Units associated with Agents. The report includes the Course Id - Enrolment Start and End Dates - Enrolment Status, Student Details, Agent Accounting Invoice Details - Payment - Sales Commissions, and the Scheduled Unit and Course Fee Unit Enrolment relevant details

Potential Use

View Agent-Related Accounting transactions.

Accounting Bond Payments

Broad Area of Focus

This report provides the details of the Accounting Bond Payments transactions on your Paradigm site. It includes the bond amount refunded - refunded withheld - payment Id - transaction dates for each Student.

Potential Use

If you want to view the bond payments/refunds made for a particular student or a group of students. It is also very helpful to keep track of the bond payments refunded to students and how much bond payments from students are in.

Accounting Invoice Details

Broad Area of Focus

This report provides the Accounting Invoice details of a particular student or a group of students -depending on your filter clause. The invoice details include the ID, amount, commission amount (if applicable), due date - invoice created - modified - paid date - invoice type, etc., for each student with created invoices using the Accounting module. The field Overseas Student is also available in this report.

Potential Use

Check some of the relevant fields in the invoices, and get a summation of the amount fields in the invoices to a particular group of students.

Accounting Invoice Item Details

Broad Area of Focus

This report provides the Accounting Invoice details - quite similar to the Accounting Invoice Details base report above, however, this report includes the Unit Name and the Course Id to which the invoices are created against. The Time Period fields of the invoices when they were created are also included in this report.

Potential Use

Summary of the invoices created against a specific Unit/Course

Accounting Invoice Item Payment Details

Broad Area of Focus

This report provides the Accounting Payment Invoice details of each item added to an invoice against a Unit and Course Enrolment. Each invoice item has the following fields: Item Amount, Item Product Id, Item Quantity, Item Type Id, Item Description, etc., check the REPORT COLUMNS section to see all the available fields on this report.

Potential Use

View a breakdown of the invoices with the item details. Get a summary amount for each type of invoice item

Accounting Invoice Payment View Details

Broad Area of Focus

This report provides the invoice payment transactions made using the Accounting module on your Paradigm site. The invoice payment details include the Payment Amount - Sent - Applied, Payment Id - Reference Number, Invoice Status - Type - Reference Number, etc. The Item Count field to show the number of items paid that are added to the invoice is also found on this report.

Potential Use

View the Payment Invoices created using the Accounting Module. Summarise the Payment Amount against the other criteria found in the report

Accounting Payment Refund Details

Broad Area of Focus

This report provides the payment refund details of the invoice you created for cases when you process a refund to a commission payment the agent received from your business or institution. This report is applicable if you have agents associated with your students' Course Enrolments.

Potential Use

View the Payment Refund Details from agents created within Paradigm.

Accounting Payments View Details

Broad Area of Focus

This report provides the details of all CUSTOMER_PAYMENT type transactions created in Paradigm. If applicable, this would also show the Agent Details that are associated with the Student Course Enrolment record. Relevant bank details are also present in this report.

Potential Use

Check all customer/student payment transaction details

Accounting Reconciliation View

Broad Area of Focus

This report provides the details of the accounting transactions that will help you with your reconciliation. The data includes the students, course, agents, time periods, Unit Enrolment - Aggregates - Unit Enrolment Counts - Financials, and Financial Summary. All these data can be produced by specifying the Academic Term, Unit Enrolment Status, Invoice Status, Invoice Type, Course Code, Course Enrolment Status and Provider.

Potential Use

View the Financial Summary. Very helpful with your accounting reconciliation

New Field Added

  • Invoice date list

  • Invoice due date list

Accounting Student Course Fees View

Broad Area of Focus

This report contains the details of the Course Fee records of the students. To run this report, you are required to set the From and To Payment Dates range of the Course Fee details that you want to view.

Potential Use

View Course Fees within a specified payment date range

Applicant Portal View

Broad Area of Focus

This report provides information about the applicants when they applied to your course using the Online Applicant Portal. This report is only applicable if you are accepting applications using the Online Applicant Portal.

Potential Use

View submitted data or information from the applicants

New Fields Added

  • Ancestries

  • Email support requested

  • SMS support requested

  • Application Progress

The field Application Progress is calculated as follows:

CASE WHEN COALESCE(relevant_membership,previous_study,previous_experience,previous_skills_text,reason_for_study,alternative_to_study,strategic_vision,aspiration) is not null and marketing_news is null THEN 'STARTED_ESSAY' WHEN application_status_id in ('APPLICATION_SIGNED','APPLICATION_COMPLETED') then application_status_id WHEN marketing_news is not null THEN 'COMPLETED_ESSAY' ELSE 'NOT_STARTED_ESSAY' END as application_progress

Assessment Results Details

Broad Area of Focus

This report focuses on the assessments' results within a Scheduled unit.

Potential Use

It is useful for Final grade analysis and bench-marking. It will provide information on block marking and comparison between cohorts.

New Fields Added

  • Block Mode Unit

  • Fee Exempt Unit

  • Exclude Sessions on Course Plan

  • Moderated

Campus View Details

Broad Area of Focus

This report provides the campus details for each course record created in the system. Relevant fields are included in these record groups: Base Course, Course Campus Provider, TCSI Campus, TCSI Campus Fee, TCSI TAC Offer, Retired HEPCAT, Migrated TCSI Fields, Base Course Audit, Campus Audit, and Campus Fee Audit

Potential Use

Verify the Course Campus details. Check the fields that are reported to TCSI

Contact Details

Broad Area of Focus

This report will provide data on who has access to the system and at what level.

It provides information drawn from the contact screen and is mainly for users with staff-level permissions in the system.

Potential Use

Check Contact Information. Check their login status, permission level, roles, etc.

Course Details

Broad Area of Focus

This report shows the details of all Courses that have been recorded on the Base Course page.

Potential Use

View the Base Course Details. Check the relevant fields that are related and critical to other records or features of the system.

New Fields Added

  • Program Duration

Course Enrolment Attendance View

Broad Area of Focus

This shows the data equivalent of each student's course enrolment attendance view for each Course. Relevant fields are added for each of these record groups: Student, Student Residential and Billing Address, Base Course, Course Enrolment - Provider - Aggregate, and Course and Term Session Summary

The report can be run by specifying the following parameters: Unit Enrolment Start Date From and To, Course Code, Course Enrolment Status - Home Institution, and the Unit Enrolment Status

Potential Use

Check the Course Enrolment Attendance Summary View of a particular student or group of students

Course Enrolment Burn Rate

Broad Area of Focus

This report provides information on each Student's Course Enrolment Fees Summary. The Financial Summary includes the Total Amount Paid, Total Fees Owing, Total Fees Semester Owing, Total Other Fees - Owing - Owing Semester - Paid, Total Tuition Fees - Fees Semester - Fees Semester Owing, Total Unit Enrolment COunts, and the Tuition Amount Owing

To run this report, the following parameters can be specified: Units Start Date From and To, Census Date Range, Enrollment Status, Unit Fee, Funding Type, Count Unit Start Date To and From, Count Units Census Date From and To, Course Enrolment Status, Count Unit Fee, and Count Funding Type

Potential Use

View and Analyse Course Enrolments Burn Rate

Course Enrolment Burn Rate Based Revenue View

Broad Area of Focus

This report provides includes Agents' Fees details, All Fees Paid Earned - Unearned - Unpaid Earned, Course Fees Balance - Received - Refunded - Transferred, Net Tuition and Non-Tuition Fees Paid Earned - Unearned - Unpaid Earned, Total Fees, Tuition Days Count, Tuition Fees Accrued - Credited - Incurred, and the Tuition Unit Count

To run this report, the following parameters are specified: Period Start and End Date

Potential Use

View Course Enrolments Burn Rate Based Review in a specified period date range

Course Enrolment COE View

Broad Area of Focus

Internation students with COE are recorded in the system. This report contains the students' COE details.

Potential Use

Check the COE details for each Course Enrolment of a student

Course Enrolment Results Count

Broad Area of Focus

This report provides the specified semesters' comparison count of Completed, Enrolled, Failed, Other, and the percentage of each semester's Failed and Pass Course Enrolment results.

To run this report, specify the following parameters: First Semester Comparison Unit Start Date, Second Semester Comparison Unit Start Date, and an optional Start Summer Comparison Unit Start Date

Potential Use

Compare Course Enrolment Results Count for three semesters/term periods

Credit Point Audit

Broad Area of Focus

This report shows each Course Enrolment's total credit points, EFTSL, and Unit Count. This report also includes Fees Invoiced - Owing - Paid, Paid Funding - Scholarship - Upfront.

Potential Use

Check the total credit points the students have earned in their Course Enrolments

Customer Request Details

Broad Area of Focus

Potential Use

New Fields Added

EduNote Assessment View Details

Broad Area of Focus

This report provides the assessment extension notes of students who are given extensions for their assessments. The report includes the Note details, Pass and Raw Mark, Awarded Grade and Mark, Student and Scheduled - Assessment Ids

Potential Use

View the History of Extension Notes of a specific Assessment - check the history of the awarded mark and grade.

EduNote Student View Details

Broad Area of Focus

This report contains the details of each note that is added to a Student record in the system. The Note Data includes the following fields: Comment, Note Category Description, Category Id, Comment Description, Date Time, Note Id, Info, Name, and Teacher's First and Last Name.

Note that the report also has also the relevant Student information, and additional fields if the notes are added to a Course Enrolment, Scheduled Unit, and Unit Enrolment

Potential Use

View the Notes record for a particular student or group of students - could be generated against a Subject/Scheduled unit, Course Enrolment, and Unit Enrolment

Fee Activity View

Broad Area of Focus

This report is applicable if you have Agents associated with your business or institution. The report contains the Credit Transfer data, refunds, and the total balances - invoices - commissions.

To run this report, you must specify the invoice created date from and to.

Potential Use

Check Agents' credit transfers, refunds, and total balances - invoices - and commissions

Moodle Student Details

Broad Area of Focus

This report is applicable if you have Moodle Integration on your Paradigm site. The student fields would include the Address, Email, First, Middle and Last Name, Home Institution, and Student Number. Run this report to check the complete list of the fields available

Potential Use

View Student Details available for moodle integration

Non Tuition Fee Activity View

Broad Area of Focus

This report provides the transaction details of non-tuition fee-related activities in the system, e.g. using the Course Fee Plan and Payments that involves agents/OSHC, and commissions. Invoice details on payments and refunds are included against each Non-Tuition Product Id.

Potential Use

View payments and refund transactions for non-tuition/Course Fees/Agents/OSHC/Commissions processed in Paradigm.

PIR TCSI Campus View Details

Broad Area of Focus

This report helps you check the Campus Details/Information saved in the system which is required as a PIR Reporting Provider. The element fields/codes include the following: E525 (Suburb), E559 (Postcode), E609 (Effective From Date), and E644 (Country Code), read more here.

To run this report, specify the Unit Census Date From and To dates and the Unit Enrolment Status

Potential Use

PIR TCSI Campus View Details record checking and reporting

PIR TCSI Course Admission View Details

Broad Area of Focus

This report helps you check the Course Admission Details/Information saved in the system which is required as a PIR Reporting Provider. The element fields/codes include the following: E307, E313, E327, E463, E534, E560-61, E566, E592, E599, E605, E620, E632 , read more here.

To run this report, specify the Unit Census Date From and To dates and the Unit Enrolment Status

Potential Use

PIR TCSI Course Admission View Details record checking and reporting

PIR TCSI Course View Details

Broad Area of Focus

This report helps you check the Course Details/Information saved in the system which is required as a PIR Reporting Provider. The element fields/codes include the following: E307, E308, E312, E461-62, E533, E596, E609, and E610, read more here.

To run this report, specify the Unit Census Date From and To dates and the Unit Enrolment Status

Potential Use

PIR TCSI Course View Details record checking and reporting

PIR TCSI Course of Study View Details

Broad Area of Focus

This report helps you check the Course of Study Details/Information saved in the system which is required as a PIR Reporting Provider. The element fields/codes include the following: E310, E350, E394, E455, and E533, read more here.

To run this report, specify the Unit Census Date From and To dates and the Unit Enrolment Status

Potential Use

PIR TCSI Course of Study View Details record checking and reporting

PIR TCSI Course on Campus View Details

Broad Area of Focus

This report helps you check the Course on Campus Details/Information saved in the system which is required as a PIR Reporting Provider. The element fields/codes include the following: E307, E495, E496, E525, E536, E557, E559, E569, E570, E571, E596, E609, E610, and E644, read more here.

To run this report, specify the Unit Census Date From and To dates and the Unit Enrolment Status

Potential Use

PIR TCSI Course on Campus View Details record checking and reporting

PIR TCSI Delete View Details

Broad Area of Focus

Potential Use

PIR TCSI Student View Details

Broad Area of Focus

This report helps you check the Student Details/Information saved in the system which is required as a PIR Reporting Provider. The element fields/codes include the following: E313-16, E319-20, E346-48, E358, E402-04, E410, E416, E469-70, E488, E572-74, E584, E609-10, E612, E615, E658, and E661, read more here.

To run this report, specify the Unit Census Date From and To dates and the Unit Enrolment Status

Potential Use

PIR TCSI Student View Details record checking and reporting

PIR TCSI Unit Enrolment View Details

Broad Area of Focus

This report helps you check the Unit Enrolment Details/Information saved in the system which is required as a PIR Reporting Provider. The element fields/codes include the following: E307, E313, E329, E337, E339, E354-55, E381, E384, E392, E446, E464, E447, E489, E490, E529, E534, E551, E558, E600-01, E622, and E660, read more here.

To run this report, specify the Unit Census Date From and To dates and the Unit Enrolment Status

Potential Use

PIR TCSI Unit Enrolment View Details record checking and reporting

Provider Details

Broad Area of Focus

The Provider details report includes data about the institution(s) within the system. If your Institution is a sole provider the data is limited to that. If your institution is a consortium this report can provide contact details and agent arrangements for providers within your group.

Potential Use

Check Provider Details - by Provider Role, Status

QILT SES 2021 Student Submissions

Refer to this page for the details of this report.

Rapla Asset Appointment Details

Broad Area of Focus

This report is applicable if you have Rapla integration for coding your Scheduled Units Sessions in Paradigm. This contains the Rapla Session Details, Session Dates, Rooms, and Teacher Names associated with the Scheduled Unit.

Potential Use

Check the Rapla Sessions Asset Appointment Details

Rapla Employee Appointment Details

Broad Area of Focus

This report is applicable if you have Rapla integration for coding your Scheduled Units Sessions in Paradigm. This contains the Employee's Name, Employee Type, and the Session Details

Potential Use

Check the Rapla Employee Appointment Details

Rapla Employee Details

Broad Area of Focus

This report is applicable if you have Rapla integration for coding your Scheduled Units Sessions in Paradigm. This contains the Employee's First and Last Name, Role, and the Rapla Resource Id

Potential Use

Check the Rapla Employee Details

Rapla Event Details

Broad Area of Focus

This report is applicable if you have Rapla integration for coding your Scheduled Units Sessions in Paradigm. This contains the following event fields: Rapla Event Id, and the Session details.

Potential Use

Check the Rapla Event Details - Event Id field

Rapla Facility Appointment Details

Broad Area of Focus

This report is applicable if you have Rapla integration for coding your Scheduled Units Sessions in Paradigm. This contains the following event fields: Resouce Id - Type Key, and the Session details.

Potential Use

Check the Rapla Facility Appointment Details - Resource Id field

Rapla Resource Details

Broad Area of Focus

This report is applicable if you have Rapla integration for coding your Scheduled Units Sessions in Paradigm. This contains the following event fields: Resource Id, Description, and Type Key.

Potential Use

Check the Rapla Resource Details - Resource Id

Rapla Student Appointment Details

Broad Area of Focus

This report is applicable if you have Rapla integration for coding your Scheduled Units Sessions in Paradigm. This contains the following event fields: Rapla Resource - Appointment - Event Ids, and the Session details.

Potential Use

Check the Rapla Student Appointment Details - Key Fields and Session Details

Scheduled Assessment View Details

Broad Area of Focus

This report will provide data about assessments for Scheduled Units with Scheduled Assessments. The data includes Assessments and to which Scheduled Unit, and Unit Details

Potential Use

Check the Scheduled Assessments details associated with a Scheduled Unit

New Fields Added

  • Block Mode Unit

  • Fee Exempt Unit

  • Exclude Sessions on Course Plan

  • Moderated

Scheduled Unit Audit Log Details

Broad Area of Focus

This report shows an audit log on Scheduled Unit records in the system. The audit log includes the dates of changes made, who made the changes, and the Scheduled Unit fields changes

Potential Use

View the history of the Scheduled Unit creation and edition made

Scheduled Unit Contact View Details

Broad Area of Focus

This report provides the details of the Contacts who are associated with Scheduled Units. The Contact details include the area of teaching, First and Last Name, Role, Time Periods, Unit and Scheduled Units relevant fields

Potential Use

View details of Contacts who are associated with Scheduled Units

Scheduled Unit Details

Broad Area of Focus

This report has its focuses on the Schedule Unit details. The TCSI-reportable fields of a Scheduled Unit can also be viewed in this report

Potential Use

Check the Scheduled Unit Details/Fields that are relevant to other records/reporting requirements

New Fields Added

  • Result comments

  • Block Mode Unit

  • Fee Exempt Unit

  • Exclude Sessions on Course Plan

  • Moderated

Scheduled Unit Fee Details

Broad Area of Focus

This report has its focuses on the Schedule Fee details. Scheduled Units with Unit Fees Associated with them are included in this report. The fee details show the Fee Amount against the criteria specified.

Potential Use

View Unit Fee Details associated with a particular Scheduled Unit

Session Attendance Based View Details

Broad Area of Focus

This report provides the details of the attendance record of a student for each session. The report shows relevant fields from a Student, Unit and Scheduled Unit records in the system that are associated with the sessions where the attendance is recorded.

Potential Use

View the attendance record for a particular Student, Session, or Scheduled Unit

Session Attendance Enrolment View

Broad Area of Focus

This report shows the Attendance Details of the students who are enrolled on sessions. The attendance data includes the Current Total Absent Hours - Percent - Attended Hours - Percent -Total Session Hours.

To run this report, specify the Session Date From and To

Potential Use

View Session Attendance Enrolment Totals and Percentages

Session Attendance 2 View

Broad Area of Focus

This report shows a summary of the session attendance records in the system. The session summary includes the Course Absent Hours - Absent Percentage of Total - Attended Hours - Attended Percentage of Total - Not Recorded Hours of Total and the Total Session Hours

To run this report, you must specify the Unit Enrolment Start Date From and To, and the Edu Program Name if you want to.

Potential Use

View Session Attendance Summary per Course

New Fields Added

  • Course Total Session Hours

  • Course Attended Hours

  • Course Attended Percentage Of Total

  • Course Absent Hours

  • Course Absent Percentage Of Total

  • Course Not Recorded Hours Of Total

Additionally, the report has been completely rewritten to significantly reduce the average generation time.

Session Attendance View Details

Broad Area of Focus

This report provides details of the Session Attendance for students who are enrolled in Scheduled Units with Sessions. The Session Attendance Details include the Attendance Description - Enrolled Hours - Fraction - Location -Not Recorded Hours - Percentage - Recorded Hours - Date Created and who modified the record. It also includes relevant fields on Student, Residential and Billing Details, Course Enrolments, and Scheduled Units

Potential Use

View Session Attendance records in detail

Session Details

Broad Area of Focus

The report provides details on Scheduled Sessions associated with Scheduled Units in Paradigm. Aside from showing the fields of a Session record in the system, this report also includes the relevant Unit, and Scheduled Unit fields where the Sessions are being associated with

Potential Use

View the field information of all Sessions added to Scheduled Units. You can filter the result by Scheduled Unit/Unit.

Session Unit Enrolment View Details

Broad Area of Focus

This report provides the Session Details against a Unit Enrolment. This report shows relevant details to a student's Course Enrolment, Unit - Scheduled Unit - and Unit Enrolment where the Session Enrolment belongs

Potential Use

View relevant fields to Unit Enrolments with Sessions

New Fields Added

  • Session start time 12-hour format

  • Session end time 12-hour format

  • Session teacher

  • Session contact party ID

  • Session contact first name

  • Session contact last name

  • Session contact residential email address

  • Session contact billing email address

Student Attendance Enrolment Period Details

Broad Area of Focus

This report provides the Student Attendance Enrolment Period data, which includes the Current Total Absent Hours - Percent - Attended Hours - Percent - Session Hours, the Total Projected Absent Hours - Percent - Attended Hours - Percent - Session Hours against a Course Enrolment

To run this report, specify the Session Date From and To

Potential Use

Check the Attendance Enrolment Period Details of a Student against a Course Enrolment

Student Audit Log Details

Broad Area of Focus

Fields from the Student Audit log. This base report will provide details from the student Audit log. Primarily on what has been changed/updated within the system.

Potential Use

This is helpful for Auditing and managing Data changes within the system.

Student Communication Event Details

Broad Area of Focus

This report shows the Student Communication Event Details with your specified date range.

To run this report you need to specify the following: Student Created - Modified Since and Until, Enrolment Created - Modified Since and Until, and Event Created Since and Until

Potential Use

Check the Communication Event Details in a specified date range

Student Course Contacts

Broad Area of Focus

This report shows the details of the contacts who are associated with Course Enrolment records in Paradigm. The Course Contact records include information on Billing and Residential, Role, and relevant Course fields where the Contacts are being associated with

Potential Use

View the Contact details who are associated with Course Enrolments

Student Course Contacts View Details

Broad Area of Focus

This report provides more details of Contact records in the system who are associated with Course Enrolments. The data or information you can see in this report are all the fields you can add to a Contact record in the system

Potential Use

View the Contact Details who are associated with Course Enrolments

New Fields Added

Student Course Enrolment Audit Log Details

Broad Area of Focus

Similar to the Student Audit log this report will provide specific information on what has been changed in the Student Course Enrolment section of the system.

Potential Use

View Changes made on Course Enrolment records

Student Course Enrolment Details

Broad Area of Focus

The report is two tables joined together to provide data from both the student level and the enrolled course(s) table. This will allow for more detailed reports on the student's course activity

Potential Use

View the details of Course Enrolment records of a particular student or group of students

New Fields Added

  • Avet031 Indigenous Status

  • Avet020 Disability Identifier

  • CRICOS Code

  • Orientation Completed

  • Orientation Completed Date

  • TCSI element e573

  • TCSI element e574

  • First in family study higher education

  • IELTS Listening Score

  • IELTS Reading Score

  • IELTS Writing Score

  • IELTS Speaking Score

  • IELTS Overall Score

  • IELTS Test Date

  • Other English Overall Score

  • Other English Test Date

  • Enrolled course units

  • Alumni start date

  • Admission field of education

  • Fee payer party ID 2

  • Terms and conditions

  • Date Report Generated - used for exporting data to other systems to quickly fetch the date and time the report was executed

  • Student Card

  • Library Card

  • Dest E572

  • Course Outcome Code Dest E599

  • Dest E612

  • Dest E620

  • Parent Course Enrolment Code

  • Parent Course Enrolment Name

  • Parent Course Enrolment Start Date

  • Parent Course Enrolment End Date

  • Parent Course Enrolment Status Id

  • Parent Course Enrolment Status Description

  • Avet Funding Source National

  • Avet Funding Source State

Student Course Enrolment ESOS Details

Broad Area of Focus

This report provides the Student Course Enrolment ESOS Required Details

To run this report, you must enter the Course Start Date From and To, and the Course Enrolment Status

Potential Use

View the Students' Course Enrolment records required for ESOS

Student Course Enrolment Summary View

Broad Area of Focus

This report provides a summary of students' Course Enrolment records in Paradigm. Relevant fields are included in the following record types: Student, Visa SubClass Type for international students, Base Course, Course Enrolment, Agent Details, Report Time Periods, and Earliest Unit Enrolment. The Unit Enrolment Aggregates on Calc EFTSU Load, Unit Enrolment Count, Fees, Max End Date, and Min Start Date are also included.

To run this report, specify the following parameters: Time Period Type, Valid Unit Enrolments have one of the ff Status Codes, Find Earliest Unit Enrolments with the ff Status Codes, and Course Code

Potential Use

View Student Course Enrolment Summary fields. The Unit Enrolment aggregates data are also very useful.

Student Details

Broad Area of Focus

The data in this report will provide information from the student section of the database. Details associated with the edit details page from the student screen.

Potential Use

Check relevant fields found in the Student Information/Details section

New Fields Added

  • Orientation Completed

  • Orientation Completed Date

  • Previous last name

  • Image

  • TCSI element e573

  • TCSI element e574

  • First in family study higher education

Student Files

Broad Area of Focus

This report shows the details of files attached or added to Students' records in Paradigm.

Potential Use

View File Attachment details added/attached to a Student record

Student Program Absence Details

Broad Area of Focus

This report provides details on Students' Absences against Course Enrolment records. The absence data included the Id, Application Date, Approval Person Name, Approved Date, Comments, Absence Date From and To, and Reason. Relevant fields of the Student and Course Enrolments with absence information are also included.

Potential Use

View Absence Details of a particular Course Enrolment

Student Program Application Details

Broad Area of Focus

This report shows the fields required and provided by Students who are applying to the Courses offered in your business or institution

To run this report, you can specify the following parameters: Student Created - Modified Since and Until, Enrolment Created - Modified Since and Until.

Potential Use

Check the information provided by students who are applying to a particular Course

New Fields Added

  • Ancestry

  • Home Institution - Student and Course Enrolment

Student Request Details

Broad Area of Focus

Data in this report focuses on requests from the student and for the student e.g. new student card,

Remark of assignment etc.

Potential Use

View Student Request Details

Student Result Details

Broad Area of Focus

This Report provides information on student results.

Potential Use

This is useful for results moderation and bench-marking prior to results release.

Student Review Details

Broad Area of Focus

This report provides details on student reviews, dates, reviewers and actions.

Potential Use

This is useful for mentor reports, or professional experience reports

Student Timetable Clashes View Details

Broad Area of Focus

Potential Use

New Fields Added

Student Unit Enrolment Audit Log Details

Broad Area of Focus

This report provides a history of the changes made to Unit Enrolment records in the system. The audit fields include the Changed Date, Changed By Info, Changed Field Name, Old Value, and the New Value.

Potential Use

Check Unit Enrolment records changes within a specified date range - also check the old values

Student Unit Enrolment Details

Broad Area of Focus

This report joins the data from 3 areas together: Student information, Enrolled Course(s) and Units of Study.

Potential Use

View relevant or any specific Unit Enrolment fields that can be useful for any reporting requirements

New Fields Added

  • RPL Awarding Units

  • RPL Awarding Institutions

  • RPL Provider Id

  • RPL Awarding Qualifications

  • RPL Awarding Dates

  • TCSI element e573

  • TCSI element e574

  • First in family study higher education

  • Result released

  • Appear on transcript

  • Sales agent party ID 2

  • Fee payer party ID 2

  • Sales commission amount 2

  • Block Mode Unit

  • Fee Exempt Unit

  • Exclude Sessions on Course Plan

  • Moderated

  • Orientation Completed

  • Orientation Completed Date

  • Dest E551

  • Dest E622

TAS View Details

Broad Area of Focus

Potential Use

New Fields Added

TCSI Course Admission Basis for Admission Submissions

Broad Area of Focus

This report provides the TCSI Course Admission Basis for Admission required, recorded, and submitted fields in Paradigm. Refer to the Element Dictionary for the location and description of each field.

To run this report, specify the Census Date From and To, Enrolment Status, Provider, Course id, and Funding Type

Potential Use

Check and Verify the fields related to TCSI Course Admission Basis for Admission

TCSI Course Admission HDR Submissions

Broad Area of Focus

This report provides the TCSI Course Admission HDR required, recorded, and submitted fields in Paradigm. Refer to the Element Dictionary for the location and description of each field.

To run this report, specify the Census Date From and To, Enrolment Status, Provider, Course id, and Funding Type

Potential Use

Check and Verify the fields related to TCSI Course Admission HDR

TCSI Course Admission Prior Credit Submissions

Broad Area of Focus

This report provides the TCSI Course Admission Prior Credit required, recorded, and submitted fields in Paradigm. Refer to the Element Dictionary for the location and description of each field.

To run this report, specify the Census Date From and To, Enrolment Status, Provider, Course id, and Funding Type

New Fields Added

  • Edu Other Unit Id

  • Unit Name

Potential Use

Check and Verify the fields related to TCSI Course Admission Prior Credit

TCSI Course Admission RTP Stipend Submissions

Broad Area of Focus

This report provides the TCSI Course Admission RTP Stipend required, recorded, and submitted fields in Paradigm. Refer to the Element Dictionary for the location and description of each field.

To run this report, specify the Census Date From and To, Enrolment Status, Provider, Course id, and Funding Type

Potential Use

Check and Verify the fields related to TCSI Course Admission RTP Stipend

TCSI Course Admission Scholarship Submissions

Broad Area of Focus

This report provides the TCSI Course Admission Scholarship required, recorded, and submitted fields in Paradigm. Refer to the Element Dictionary for the location and description of each field.

To run this report, specify the Census Date From and To, Enrolment Status, Provider, Course id, and Funding Type

Potential Use

Check and Verify the fields related to TCSI Course Admission Scholarship

TCSI Course Admission Specialisation Submissions

Broad Area of Focus

This report provides the TCSI Course Admission Specialisation required, recorded, and submitted fields in Paradigm. Refer to the Element Dictionary for the location and description of each field.

To run this report, specify the Census Date From and To, Enrolment Status, Provider, Course id, and Funding Type

Potential Use

Check and Verify the fields related to TCSI Course Admission Specialisation

TCSI Program Enrolment Submissions

Broad Area of Focus

This report provides the TCSI Program Enrolment required, recorded, and submitted fields in Paradigm. Refer to the Element Dictionary for the location and description of each field.

To run this report, specify the Census Date From and To, Enrolment Status, Provider, Course id, and Funding Type

Potential Use

Check and Verify the fields related to TCSI Program Enrolment

TCSI Student Citizenship Submissions

Broad Area of Focus

This report provides the TCSI Student Citizenship required, recorded, and submitted fields in Paradigm. Refer to the Element Dictionary for the location and description of each field.

To run this report, specify the Census Date From and To, Enrolment Status, Provider, Course id, and Funding Type

Potential Use

Check and Verify the fields related to TCSI Student Citizenship

TCSI Student Disability Submissions

Broad Area of Focus

This report provides the TCSI Student Disability required, recorded, and submitted fields in Paradigm. Refer to the Element Dictionary for the location and description of each field.

To run this report, specify the Census Date From and To, Enrolment Status, Provider, Course id, and Funding Type

Potential Use

Check and Verify the fields related to TCSI Student Disability

TCSI Student Loan Details

Broad Area of Focus

This report provides the TCSI Student Loan details required, recorded, and submitted fields in Paradigm. Refer to the Element Dictionary for the location and description of each field. The Student Loan fields include the Adjusted Loan Amount - Loan Fee, Amount Charged - Paid Upfront, Help Loan Amount, Loan Fee, Loan Staus, and Student Loans UID.

Potential Use

Check the details of the fields related to the TCSI Student Loan

TCSI Student Loan View

Broad Area of Focus

This report provides the TCSI Student Loan View Credit required, recorded, and submitted fields in Paradigm. Refer to the Element Dictionary for the location and description of each field.

To run this report, specify the Census Date From and To, Enrolment Status, Provider, Course id, and Funding Type

Potential Use

Check and Verify the fields related to TCSI Student Loan

TCSI Student Scholarship Submissions

Broad Area of Focus

This report provides the TCSI Student Scholarship required, recorded, and submitted fields in Paradigm. Refer to the Element Dictionary for the location and description of each field.

To run this report, specify the Census Date From and To, Enrolment Status, Provider, Course id, and Funding Type

Potential Use

Check and Verify the fields related to TCSI Student Scholarship

TCSI Student Submissions

Broad Area of Focus

This report provides the TCSI Student required, recorded, and submitted fields in Paradigm. Refer to the Element Dictionary for the location and description of each field.

To run this report, specify the Census Date From and To, Enrolment Status, Provider, Course id, and Funding Type

Potential Use

Check and Verify the fields related to TCSI Students

TCSI Unit Enrolment Submissions

Broad Area of Focus

This report provides the TCSI Unit Enrolment required, recorded, and submitted fields in Paradigm. Refer to the Element Dictionary for the location and description of each field.

Potential Use

Check and Verify the fields related to TCSI Unit Enrolments

TEQSA Completion Statistics

Broad Area of Focus

This report provides data required for TEQSA Completion Statistics

Potential Use

TEQSA Reporting on Completion Statistics

TEQSA EFTSL Statistics

Broad Area of Focus

This report provides data required for TEQSA EFTSL Statistics

Potential Use

TEQSA Reporting on EFTSL Statistics

TEQSA Progression Statistics

Broad Area of Focus

This report provides data required for TEQSA Progression Statistics

Potential Use

TEQSA Reporting on Progression Statistics

TEQSA Retention Rate

Broad Area of Focus

This report provides data required for TEQSA Retention Rate

Potential Use

TEQSA Reporting Retention Rate

Unit Assessments View Details

Broad Area of Focus

This report provides details of all assessments associated with units. Assessment data includes the Id, Name, Pass Mark, Weighting, and relevant fields on Units which the assessments are associated with.

Potential Use

Check the fields relevant to assessments against a Unit

Unit Details

Broad Area of Focus

This report has its focuses on the base Unit details (the Scheduled unit draws some of its details from the information stored at the base unit level)

Potential Use

Check the fields relevant to Units

User Login View Details

Broad Area of Focus

This report provides information on contacts or users who have login information in the system

Potential Use

Check contacts or users' login information - current status and if they're still applicable

Last updated