Edit a Saved Report

This page will provide you with instructions on how to edit a Saved Report in Paradigm


Saved Reports in Paradigm can be reloaded in Report Builder to further edit the components, logic, or conditions of the report. Note that this workflow is recommended only to be done on any of your reports that have not been widely used yet within your business or institution. For any major changes to the logic of your report, communicating the changes to your team is advised. Saved Reports that are made by Silverband should not be edited unless authorised.


  1. Choose Reports > Report Builder menus on the side. Go to the SAVED REPORT DESCRIPTIONS section.

  2. Depending on how the report was saved - the Scope of the report if it's Global or Private, see Step 5 - Save Report, select the Saved Report that you want to edit and click LOAD REPORT.

It will load the Saved Report - you can now edit the sections of the report as necessary and as required. You might need to refer to the following existing workflows as your guide in editing:

  1. After editing the report, you have the option to test the output by going to the FORMAT REPORT section. Choose an Output Format and click PRODUCE REPORT.

  2. Once you are satisfied with your edits - save your report again by going to the SAVE REPORT section and clicking the SAVE REPORT button. If you don't want to override the existing report with the changes that you have made and save it as a new report instead, click the SAVE NEW REPORT button.

Option to Either Save Report and override existing report or Save as a New Report

Last updated