Bulk Generate AHEGS and Transcript


To bulk generate transcripts for your students, the following instructions assume that each student already has a unique transcript number, see Set a Transcript Number or Set Transcript Number in Bulk

  1. Create a bulk list of students whom you want to generate the Academic Transcripts or AHEGS.


The bulk list of students you are creating must have the following fields in order for the generation of the Transcripts or AHEGS to be successful: Student Party Id and Course Enrolment Id

You can refer to the following workflows on how you can create a bulk list of Students:

  1. After creating or generating the bulk list of students, navigate to Reports > Student menus on the side. Search for the report name that you are going to generate in bulk. Click the GET REPORT button under the correct report section.

  1. With your STUDENT BULK LIST on top of the screen, you have the option to finalise the list by removing the students whom you don't want to include in the bulk generation of the required report.

  1. Once the list is already final, go to the report parameters section below, select all of the Unit Enrolment Status values that you wish to be included, and then add any of the other parameter values that you wish to restrict, so that the values will apply for all student records in your bulk list.


If none of the parameters is selected, the system will use its default values. For instance, if the 'Unit Enrolments Statuses' parameter is not selected, only units with the default highlighted statuses will be printed.

  1. With the parameters set, set the file type to PDF and click the following buttons accordingly depending on how you want the output file to sit:

  • SAVE AND PRINT REPORT button - this will generate a bulk list of the report in a single file, e.g. All AHEGS reports in one PDF file of the students included in the list

  • GENERATE REPORT FOR BULK LIST button - this will generate a separate file for each student included in the report. This button will also give you the option to download all separate files in a zipped folder. A preview of the report against a student on the list can also be downloaded individually.

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