
Phase 1: Admin Setup

The Business Manager provides the details of the initial access to Paradigm EMS Portal and the login credentials of your nominated Paradigm Administrators or Contacts. Once you have access to your site, you can start with the following setup:

Phase 2: Compliance

After you have set up your site and accounts before you proceed to Phase 3, we would highly recommend that you read the following government pages if you are a government reporting Provider:

For Paradigm to support and work as intended in helping you comply with your reporting requirements, the following are required for you to take action:

The following are also required to be set for Paradigm to trigger a push of the right data to TCSI. Refer to the Configure Paradigm for TCSI Reporting knowledge article.


Paradigm supports government reporting requirements based on the current needs of our diverse clients. Your business or institution is responsible for ensuring that you are compliant. Contact our Support Team if you need to discuss this phase of onboarding more.

Phase 3: Curriculum Management

You will add your Base records to the system during this phase. Refer to the CURRICULUM MANAGEMENT Workflows for more details. If you opt to use the Course Outline - this is also the best time to design it after adding your Base records.

Phase 4: Schedule Programs and Units

With your Base records added, you can now proceed with scheduling or offering your Programs and Units. Refer to the ACADEMIC SCHEDULING Workflows for more details. Note that a prerequisite configuration in your system must be finalised before you can start with this phase, see Time Periods.

Phase 5: Tuition Fees

Prior to accepting enrolments, it is highly recommended that the tuition fees that will be applied to Unit Enrolments are already established. Learn more about how you want your tuition fees set up by referring to the TUITION FEES Workflows section. Please feel free to contact our Support Team if you have any issues or concerns with setting up your fee structure.

Phase 6: Student Enrolments

With the Scheduled Units and Fee Structure finalised, you are now ready to accept enrolments. Note that if you are using the Online Applicant Portal, you might need to comply with additional setup and configurations before it will be fully operational. Refer to the Online Applicant Portal documentation.

Refer to the STUDENT ENROLMENTS Workflows section to start with the enrolment.

Phase 7: System and Record Maintenance

The following are Workflows you can refer to after your Enrolment Period:

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