

Describes the organisations that have relationships with people reflecting some form of service they provide in an education context.

Examples of services include a campus, a higher education provider, a work experience business etc.

Related Pages: Add a Provider Record | Assign a Role to a Provider Record


A contact is a non-student user who may or may not have an account to directly access Paradigm. Examples of contacts include administration staff, lecturers, teachers etc.

Related Pages: Contacts | Assign Permission Level and Provide Login Credentials to a Contact


Authorised agents who offer services in assisting your students in their application and their course of study in your business or institution.

Related Pages: Agents | Add New Agent Record


Students are the learners who study at an institution

Related Pages: Add a Student | Student Enrolments | Online Applicant Portal | Student Portal

Base Course

A term used interchangeably with a program that describes the awards, non-awards, programs or courses offered by a provider.

Related Pages: Base Course Record Type | Manage Base Courses | Add a Base Course

Scheduled Program

A Course being offered by the institution with Offer Start and Expected End Date, and the Course Study Start Date. If used, it sets some of the default fields for a Course Enrolment record and the rest are inherited from the Base Course record.

Related Pages: Scheduled Program Record Type | Manage Scheduled Programs | Add New

Course Outline

The visual representation of a student course enrolment that consists of rules to govern course progression.

Related Pages: Manage Course Outlines | Course Outline Basics | Advanced

Course Enrolments

Describes the academic progression of a specific student in a specific course or program

Related Pages: Online Applicant Portal | Manage Course Enrolments | Enrol Students in Courses

Base Unit

Describes the learning outcomes and accreditation information for units, subjects and modules that form one or more programs.

Related Pages: Base Unit Record Type | Manage Base Units | Add Base Units

Base Assessments

Describes the specific assessment tasks associated with a unit. Assessments include items such as essays, quizzes, exams etc.

Related Pages: Base Assessment Record Type | Manage Assessments in Base Units | Add New

Scheduled Unit

The record of what units are offered and how they are offered for a specific time. Key fields include start date, end date, delivery mode, and delivery location.

Related Pages: Scheduled Unit Record Type | Manage Scheduled Units | Add a Scheduled Unit

Scheduled Assessments

The record of how assessments are delivered for a specific scheduled unit.

Related Pages: Scheduled Assessment Record Type | Manage Scheduled Assessments | Add New

Fee Rules

A rule-based approach that uses matching criteria to dynamically calculate unit tuition fees.

Related Pages: Manage Fee Rules | Add a Fee Rule

Unit Enrolments

Describes the academic progress in a unit of study for a specific student in a specific course

Related Pages: Unit Enrolment Record Type | Manage Unit Enrolments | Enrol Students in Units

Student Session Attendances

Students recorded attendance to enrolled Scheduled Units with sessions. The attendances are recorded by the tutor, teacher, staff, etc. who are in charge of the Scheduled Unit delivery.

Related Pages: Record Session Attendances | Record Attendances as Tutor or Staff

Assessment Results

Describes the individual assessment result of a Student that can be used to define the overall Unit Enrolment result.

Related Pages: Manage Results if Using Assessments | Record Assessment Result

Student Results

Describes the overall Student Result records in the system. Depending on each student's circumstance, the results cover Assessments, Unit Enrolments, and Course Enrolment.

Related Pages: Entering Results

Time Period

Time periods are records that capture meaning against specific dates or date ranges. Time periods are used to control specific system functionality such as the course outline, or to capture the academic calendar in the form of terms, census periods and academic years.

Related Pages: Time Periods

Grade Table

This record reflects the grading schema used by Paradigm to calculate academic outcomes at an assessment and a unit level. The grade table may also be used to calculate GPA or to associate specific academic outcomes with enrolment status codes.

Related Pages: Grade Schema

Status Items

Status items represent one type of drop-down menu within Paradigm and are used to reflect the last and best-known state of a record. Most records in Paradigm may be assigned a status.

Related Pages: Edit Status Items | Map Status Items to TCSI Values

Code Items

One of four potential ways that Paradigm builds drop-down menus for display on the user interface. Code items are grouped by type.

Related Pages: Edit Code Items | Edit TCSI Code Options

Communication Event

The means for sending communications to students from within Paradigm.

Related Pages: Sending Communications

Report Builder

A graphical tool to build ad-hoc reports that are categorised and saved for use later.

Related Pages: Generating Reports

Report Generator

The reporting engine within Paradigm that uses Jasper iReport templates to build complex letters or PDF reports.

Jasper iReport

A 3rd party open source application used to build report templates in XML format for use within Paradigm


A 3rd party open source application used to create and manage sessions on Scheduled Units.

Related Pages: Rapla Knowledge Base

Import Wizard

A complex visual tool for power users to quickly import data into Paradigm.

Related Pages: Import Wizard


The primary record that describes the financial position of the student from the perspective of the education provider. This is a core component of the accounting module featured within Paradigm.

Related Pages: Invoicing and Receipting


A record that describes a transaction involving money between the provider and the student or potentially another provider acting on behalf of the student.

Related Pages: Invoicing and Receipting

Learn more about Paradigm Data Model

Now that you are familiar with the terminology commonly used in Paradigm EMS, you can learn more about the core data relationships featured within Paradigm and how they relate to specific groups of information such as students, units, courses, and providers.

Refer to this section: πŸ“Š PARADIGM DATA MODEL to get started.

Last updated