Step 1 - Upload the Data Source File

This page contains instructions on the first step of creating a new Import Profile using the Import Wizard

  1. Choose System > Import Wizard menus on the side.

  2. On the Import Wizard page, click the NEW PROFILE button.

creating a new import profile
  1. Enter the required information on the fields that are highlighted in RED (as shown in the screenshot below).

required fields to create a new import profile
  • (1) Import Name – the name that describes the import profile, and what it will do, e.g. β€œUpdate Course Enrolment Status”

  • (2) Description – you have the option to copy the Import Name to this field.

  • (3) Import Type – you can set this as β€œcsvβ€œ

  • (4) File Description – set this the same as the Import Type as β€œcsvβ€œ

  • (5) Upload File – click the Browse button to upload the file you have prepared, see the section: Data Source File Requirements

The fields Import Type and File Description must match exactly. Once the profile has been saved, changes to these fields are not possible, and if they are not the same, the profile will not work.

Additional field validations added:

  • Import Type - maximum field length set to 20 characters

  • Import Type and File Description fields - marked as read-only on existing import profile meaning the field can only be edited once when first creating an import profile

  1. Put a checkmark on the Import Multiple Rows field as required.

uploading the source file for the import profile
  1. After you have filled out the required fields and uploaded the file, click the UPLOAD FILE button to proceed to the mapping stage: Step 2 - Map the Source Data Fields to Paradigm Fields

Last updated