How to Edit/Add/Delete Items to an Invoice [SENT or IN-PROCESS Status]?

For all invoices which are still in an IN-PROCESS or SENT status, you still have the option to edit the items (Unit Enrolments or Sales Items) associated with it.

Choose from the workflows below depending on the current status of the invoice that you want to edit:

Workflow (1) Edit/Add/Delete Items to an IN-PROCESS Invoice

  1. Choose Accounting > Invoices menus on the side. Click the ACTIONS button against the IN-PROCESS invoice that you want to edit/update the items, and select the Edit Invoice option.

2. After clicking the Edit Invoice option, go to the ITEMS section of the invoice and click the ADD INVOICE ITEMS button.

3. The ADD INVOICE ITEM button will open an editable version of all the items associated with the invoice. In the sample screenshot below, you have the option now to EDIT by clicking the pencil icon next to the item that you want to edit, delete by clicking on the DELETE button (bin icon), or click the ADD INVOICE ITEM button again to add more items to your invoice.

4. After you’ve made your changes, just click the EDIT INVOICE button under the INVOICE HEADER section and set and save the invoice to its required status.

Workflow (2) Edit/Add/Delete Items to a SENT Invoice

  1. Choose Accounting > Invoices menus on the side. Click the ACTIONS button against the IN-PROCESS invoice that you want to edit/update the items, and select the Edit Invoice option.

2. After clicking the Edit Invoice option, go to the ITEMS section of the invoice and click the ADD INVOICE ITEMS button.


4. The SET TO IN-PROCESS AND DELETE PAYMENTS TO INVOICE/ITEMS button will open an editable version of all the items associated with the invoice. In the sample screenshot below, you have the option now to EDIT by clicking the pencil icon next to the item that you want to edit, delete by clicking on the DELETE button (bin icon), or click the ADD INVOICE ITEM button again to add more items to your invoice.

5. After you’ve made your changes, just click the EDIT INVOICE button under the INVOICE HEADER section and set and save the invoice to its required status.

Last updated