Cannot update the correct amount in one of the financial fields

This page will provide you with the workflow on what to do when you cannot update the correct amount in one of the financial fields.

When saving a Unit Enrolment with a blank value in one of the financial fields, the system will refuse to save such a change as a blank or empty financial field does not make sense from an accounting perspective.

Check that the Funding Type is set correctly first and then save. After saving, adjust the necessary fields accordingly. Note that all the other fields will auto-populate as you set the Funding Type. Make sure that the fields mentioned below are set as 0.00 if they're meant to have the zero value.


The following financial fields cannot be left blank, null or empty:

  • Unit Fee

  • Upfront Payment

  • Funding Amount

  • Subsidy Amount

  • HEIMS Loan Fee

Last updated