Search Payments

This page will provide you with an overview of the Search Payments menu and its sections


Paradigm gives you the option to search payments with the following criteria: Payment ID, Reference Number, Payment Type, Payment Method, Effective From and To Dates, Status, To Party ID, Created From and To Dates, and Created by User Login.

This section will also allow you to reconcile selected payments, see workflow below.

Search Payments Criteria Fields

Payment ID

System Generated payment number

Reference Number

Selected Payment Reference Categories [Undergraduate, Postgraduate, HDR Masters, HDR Doctorates]

Payment Type

  • Bond Refund

  • Commission Return Payment

  • Customer Payment

  • Customer Refund

  • Internal Payment

Payment Method

Payment Methods accepted by the Institution

  • Cash

  • Credit Card

  • Debit Card

  • EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer)

  • BPay

  • Paypal

  • Payment Express

Effective Date

Payment Dates to be searched for range

Effective Date To


Status of the Payment

  • Cancelled

  • Confirmed

  • Not Paid

  • Received

  • Sent

To Party ID

Your business or institution (Select name/s if you have multiple campuses)

Created Date From

Payment Dates Created to be searched for range

Created Date To

Created By User Login

Paradigm User who processed the payment

How to Reconcile Customer Payments

  1. Choose Accounting > Search Payments menus on the side. Enter your search criteria, and click the SEARCH PAYMENTS button.

  1. In your search results, (1)select the payments that you want to reconcile by clicking on the checkbox against the record that you want to reconcile, alternatively, you can click the checkbox header on top to select all payments.

(2) Select the Bank Account.

(3) Check the total payments that you want to reconcile.


How to email payment receipts with the Communication Module/Event?How to print invoices and payment receipts?Recording Payment

Last updated