
This page will provide you with an overview of the Summary menu and its sections


The Accounting > Summary menu in Paradigm will show you all the student financial details from course enrolment(s) to all unit enrolments, a list of all invoices created, and all payments made. The screenshot below will give you an overview of how our Accounting Summary would look like – structured into different sections.

Accounting Summary Sections


This section will show some student details, structured similarly to the student summary screen but only showing the relevant details for accounting purposes and with menus under the ACTIONS button that focuses on the student financial record.

The following are some of the menus you can see when the ACTIONS button is selected:

  • Print Pro Forma Invoice

  • Email Statement of Fees

  • Print Statement of Account – This will print the student’s statement of account reflecting the full history of a student showing a running balance as each payment, invoice, return or credit note is recorded.


This section will give you all the student’s course enrolment(s) detailing the fees, scholarships, funding, amount paid, and owed. This is also where you can create a new invoice.

  • All Course Enrolments can be viewed

  • Create New invoice button, see Raising Enrolment Invoice Workflow

  • The Select Course option


All unit enrolments of the student will appear here with the corresponding unit fee, scholarship, funding, upfront, paid amount, and the amount owing. You also have the option to directly edit each unit enrolment by clicking on the EDIT (pencil icon) button.

  • The 10 most recent Unit Enrolments

  • Including Funding Types, payment types, and amounts outstanding

  • Invoice Id (for those unit enrolments which are already invoiced)

  • Edit Unit enrolment (this leads to the full unit enrolment page)


On the Unit enrolment page, students have three ways to discharge each unit fee.

  • Pay by themselves (Upfront Amount)

  • Pay by the institution (Scholarship Amount)

  • Loan from the government - (Funding Amount)

The sum of Upfront Amount + Funding Amount + Scholarship Amount = TUITION FEE

Invoice Types

  • Tuition Item Invoice - Tuition Items are Units of Study or Full Courses.

  • General Invoice / Non-tuition Item Invoice - Some examples of General Invoices or non-tuition items: Transcripts, Replacement AHEGS, Replacement Parchments, Text Books, Course materials, Student Id Card, Enrolment Fee, Application Fee, Administration Fee, Re-assessment Fee, Late Payment Fee, Accommodation, Overseas Health Cover, Airport transfer, see ADD EDIT PRODUCTS.

    Only Non-Tuition items are to be added to these Invoices and should not be combined with Tuition invoices.


All invoiced items are shown here in different types with statuses (In-Process, Cancelled, Sent, Paid). Each invoice record has also an ACTIONS button with an option to view, edit, pay, print, and email the invoice.


Payments made by the customer (Student, Agent, etc.) are all listed here. You can edit, print, or email each recorded payment detail/receipt. A button that clicks to ADD NEW PAYMENT is available in this section.

  • ACTIONS menu [Edit, Print, Email Receipts with Communication Event, Email Receipts]

Last updated