Quick Payment Receipt Net Payment (From Agent)


If you are using a Course Fee Plan with Agents and Commissions added to your students' Course Enrolment records, Paradigm allows you to quickly apply for payment receipt net payment from agents in the Course Enrolment record considering all the commissions, surcharge, etc. that apply to the students and agents circumstances

Prerequisite Records

The workflow below assumes that the prerequisite records have already been satisfied. Refer to the list of prerequisite records here.


  1. Load the student record, see Search a Student record

  2. In the Student Summary screen, go to the COURSE ENROLMENTS section and click the ACTIONS button against the Course that you want to apply a payment to Course Fee plans and select the Apply Payment option.

  3. In the FEES TO BE PAID section, select the Unit items that the student wants to pay

  1. After selecting the items, fill out the required details in the PAYMENT DETAILS section. Refer to the following guide:

    • Reference Number - enter your payment reference number here, else the system will generate one

    • Effective Date - the date of the payment being effective

    • Payment Method - select the payment method from the dropdown list

    • Comments - you have the option to add more description/details of the payment here

    • Amount - enter the amount you receive from the agent/student

    • Is Net Payment - set this field to Yes - note that by setting this field, other related fields below will be auto-calculated depending on the Amount set

  2. After filling out the fields as suggested above, on the upper right of the section, when you click the Actions button, you have the option to Set the Credit Card Fee.

  3. Click the PROCESS PAYMENT button

  1. Click the YES button to confirm the currently loaded details and the payment action.


The payment has now been applied to the Course Fee Items successfully, to check the Invoice Details, navigate to the Accounting > Invoices screen.

Video Tutorial

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