Convert Selected Unit Enrolments to Paid

This page will provide you with instructions on how to convert Unit Enrolments of a Student to paid


Unit Enrolments of a Student that are to be recorded as paid and with no more amount owing in your business or institution can be confirmed in one click using the Units Edit screen. The action to confirm selected Unit Enrolments from unpaid to paid will update the Amount Received field to the amount of the Unit Fee thus zeroing the Amount Due.


  1. Load the Student record, see Search a Student record.

  2. Once the Student Summary page is loaded, choose the Student > Course Enrolment > Units Edit menus on the side.

  3. In the UNITS ENROLLED BY STUDENT section, select the Unit Enrolments that you want to confirm as being paid.

selecting Unit Enrolments to be paid via the Student > Course Enrolment > Units Edit
  1. After selecting the Unit Enrolments, click the Select Action to Perform on Units dropdown menu and select the Confirm that selected unpaid unit enrolments have been paid dropdown menu. Click the CONFIRM PAYMENT RECEIVED FOR SELECTED ENROLLED UNITS to start the process.

confirming the selected Unit Enrolments have been paid action menu

The Amount Received field of each of the selected Unit Enrolment records is now set the same as the Unit Fee and therefore zeroing the Amount Due field.

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