Manage Agent Record

Add New Agent Record

To add a new Agent record in the system, refer to the instructions here.

If you already have an agent record in the system, use the following workflows to continue:

Assign Roles to an Agent Record

  1. Load the Agent record, see Search an Agent Record

  2. Once the Agent record is loaded, in the ASSIGNED ROLES FOR AGENT section, select the role that you want to add and click the ASSIGN ROLE button.

Add the Agent Address Information

  1. Load the Agent record, see Search an Agent Record

  2. Once the Agent record is loaded, navigate to Agents > Edit Contact Info. You can refer to the same instructions and the description of the address fields as in the Add the Contact Address Information workflow.

Add File Attachments to an Agent Record

  1. Load the Agent record, see Search an Agent Record

  2. Go to the ASSOCIATED FILE ATTACHMENTS section and click the ADD FILE ATTACHMENT button. Refer to the Agent Record Type: Add File Attachment table for a description of the fields when adding a new attachment.

  1. Upload the file attachment and save.

Add Notes Associated with an Agent

  1. Load the Agent record, see Search an Agent Record

  2. Go to the NOTES ASSOCIATED WITH AGENT section and click the ADD NOTE button.

  1. Enter the subject, select a category, type more details in the Note section, and click SAVE NOTE. Refer to the Agent Record Type: Add Notes table for more details on the fields when adding notes.

Associate Agents to Contacts

  1. Load the Agent record, see Search an Agent Record

  2. Go to the CONTACT SEARCH section and click the SEARCH ALL CONTACTS button. Do not set the Role Types if the contact person that you want to associate with is from your Contact records.

If the contact person that you want to associate with is an Agent Person Contact, note that the Agent Person contacts are from the agent person created within the Agents menu in Paradigm. Refer to the instructions below to create an agent person record in the system.

  1. After searching for the contact, click the Add Contact as Agent Contact button to associate the contact record to the Agent Provider Record in the system.

Add an Agent Person Record

  1. Navigate to Agents > Edit Agent Person menus on the side.

  2. In the EDIT AGENT CONTACT DETAILS section, fill out the necessary information and click the SAVE CONTACT button.

  3. You also have the option to add the contact person's address information by navigating to Agents > Edit Agent Person > Edit Agent Contact Info.

Video Tutorial

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