Assign Roles to a Contact


Roles are different from permission levels. Roles are jobs the user does within the institution. Certain roles will add the contacts' names to lists and signatures to some of the reports/letters/documents pre-configured in your Paradigm.

The table below outlines the intended use of each role. Please be aware that the following list is not comprehensive and may not contain all potential roles within your system:



The assigned AVETMISS Contact Person in your business or institution. Refer to the Assign an AVETMISS Contact knowledge article


Associated to the Advisor role to a Student Course Enrolment Record. Contact with this assigned role will appear as one of the options in the Advisors for Course section, see Advisor Reports

Application Reviewer

If you are utilising the Online Applicant Portal and the Review Request feature, it is necessary to assign the role of a Contact to become one of the reviewers for applications, see Application Review Request


Associated with creating an assessment extension workflow. Contact with this assigned role will appear in the dropdown list of the Received By and Assessed By fields, see Assessment Extensions Contacts with this assigned role will also appear in the dropdown of the Unit Enrolment Assessments section under these two fields: Primary Assessor and Secondary Assessor

Communication event recipient

A role that must be assigned to a Contact record if it wants to be included in the CC and BCC recipients for sending communications, see Sending Communications using the CC and BCC Recipients


Associated to the Examiner role to a Student Course Enrolment Record. Contact with this assigned role will appear as one of the options in the Examiners section, see Course Examiners

Extension Approver

Associated with creating an assessment extension workflow. Contact with this assigned role will appear in the dropdown list of the Extension Request Approved By field, see Assessment Extensions


Related to the Scheduled Unit record association to a Teacher/Tutor/Lecturer. If a Contact has this assigned role, their name will appear on the Teacher dropdown list, see Associate a Contact to Scheduled Units


Related to the Accounting section of a Unit Enrolment record - contacts with this role will appear in the Contact who received payment field, see Record an Agent Payment


Associated to the Reviewer role to a Student Course Enrolment Record. Contact with this assigned role will appear as one of the options in the Add Contact as Reviewer section, see Student Review


Associated to the Course Enrolment records. Contacts with this role appear in the dropdown fields under Sales Person 1 and Sales Person 2, see Student Course Enrolment record type


Related to the Scheduled Unit record association to a Teacher/Tutor/Lecturer. If a Contact has this assigned role, their name will appear on the Teacher dropdown list, see Associate a Contact to Scheduled Units

WE Coordinator

Related to the Student Placements workflow. Contact with this role will appear in the dropdown list of the field Associate Home Supervisor, see Student Placements

WE Primary Supervisor

Related to the Student Placements workflow. Contact with this role will appear in the dropdown list of the field Associate School Supervisor, see Student Placements

WE Secondary Supervisor

Related to the Student Placements workflow. Contact with this role will appear in the dropdown list of the field Associated Secondary Supervisor, see Student Placements


  1. Load the Contact’s record, see Search for a Contact Record.

  2. With the Contact record loaded in the system, go to the ASSIGNED ROLES FOR CONTACT section.

To Add a Role:

  1. Click the drop-down list of contact roles, select the required role, and;

  2. Click the ASSIGN ROLE button. The newly added role will now be displayed on top.

Repeat the same steps to add another role to the Contact record.

To Remove a Role:

  1. Under the ASSIGNED ROLES FOR CONTACT section, click the DELETE button (bin icon) against the role that you want to be removed from the Contact’s record.

  2. Click OK to confirm your action.

Repeat the same steps to delete/remove another role from the Contact record.

Last updated