Contacts Login Options: Randomised or Token-Based Password


When adding new contacts in Paradigm, you can now choose to set their login options as either Randomised or Token-Based Password. This avoids the need to manually set passwords for each new contact record. If you have configured your system to use either of these two options, Paradigm will automatically send an email to the new contact with their login credentials.


For the selected login option to work, please refer to the following requirements:

  • Send a ticket request for the configuration of the preferred login option

  • The data resource template of the preferred login option has been customised accordingly, see Edit and Email Template

    • Data Resource Template: STAFF_PWD_RESET_RAND - edit if you opted for the Randomised Password option for contacts

    • Data Resource Template: STAFF_PWD_RESET_TKN - edit if you opted for the Token-Based Password option for contacts

    • Edit Label: reset_user_login_password_emailHtmlHeader - edit if you are using the system's default email header

    • Edit Label: reset_user_login_password_emailHtmlFooter - edit if you are using the system's default email footer

    Data Resource Templates to edit


  1. Create a new contact record, making sure that the email address is entered correctly. The following fields are required for the system to auto-create a login credential:

    • Given Name

    • Last Name

    • Email

    • DOB

    • Home Institution

    • Status

Note that the Security Group every time a contact record is created is set to STAFF by default.

On saving the record, Paradigm sends the email depending on which preferred method is configured. Refer to the sample email below for each login option.

Randomised Password

sample email received when the Random login option is set
  1. After the contact has login successfully, they can edit their password via the Login menu.

Login menu to change their password once logged in

Token-Based Password

sample email received when the Token login option is set
  1. After the contact has clicked the link, they can set their password accordingly.

page link where the new contact can set their password

Last updated