Add a Provider Record

This page will provide you with the workflow on how to add a Provider record


  1. Choose (1) Providers > (2) Add New.

  2. It will open the (3) EDIT PROVIDER DETAILS section where you can enter the new information of the provider record that you want to add.

  1. Enter at least the minimum required fields for an operational provider record and any further information in the appropriate fields available.


For a brief description of all the fields found in creating or adding a new record in the system, refer to the Provider Record Type page.

Refer to the minimum required fields from the screenshot below (numbered 1-3):

If the record that you are adding is a VET Provider, you can also enter the available information you have under the VET PROVIDER DETAILS section.

  1. After filling out the details of the provider, click the SAVE DETAILS button to add the new provider record to the system.

  2. After saving the Provider record, if the Provider is a TCSI reporting Provider, ensure that the following fields are filled out correctly:

    • Name - your business or institution's official trading name

    • Abbrev - a code assigned by the HEP that uniquely identifies your organisational unit, see TCSI [E333] for more details.

    • Suburb - your campus suburb/town/region location, see TCSI [E525]

    • Post Code - your campus postcode, see TCSI [E559]

    • Country - campus country code, see TCSI [E644]

    • HE Provider Code - only for HE Provider, see TCSI [E306]

    • Institution Status - make sure that this field is set to Active

    • Parent Reporting Provider - make sure that it's set to the same Provider Name that is TCSI reporting. If you only have one Provider record and it's a TCSI reporting one, set it to the same Provider name. If the Provider record is for your other campus or branch and it's a government reporting Provider, set this field to your Main Campus or Primary Provider record. The list of the Provider names here appears if they have either of these two assigned roles: "TCSI - Higher Education Provider" OR "TCSI - PIR Provider"

    • Effective From Date and Effective To Date - see TCSI [E609] and [E610]

The following are also additional workflows when adding a Provider record to the system:

How to make a Provider record a non-TCSI Reporting Provider

For cases when you need to create a Provider record that you want where its related records will not be pushed to TCSI, e.g. Course and Course Enrolment records that are not required to be reported to TCSI, create a new Provider record with just the minimum-required fields as mentioned in Step 4 in the above workflow and do not set the Parent Report Provider to your main reporting Provider record - just leave it blank or not set.

Additionally, please review the assigned roles section to ensure that the following roles are not associated with the Provider record.

Last updated