Search for a Provider Record

This page will provide you with the workflow on how to search for a Provider record


  1. Choose (1) Providers > (2) Search > (3) Enter the organisation name or abbreviation > (4) Click the SEARCH button.

  2. After clicking the SEARCH button, it will show a list of providers that meet your searched criteria. (5) You can filter the result more by entering more keywords relating to the provider name that you want to search in the Filter Box.

  3. When you see the record for the Provider you are looking for, click the provider code hyperlink under the first column. This will load the provider record.


In the sample screenshot above, SILVER is selected as the provider record to be searched.

  1. After clicking the chosen provider code hyperlink, an EDIT PROVIDER DETAILS section will appear, detailing all the provider information saved in the system.

Last updated