Letters in Paradigm

Letter Reports are pre-formatted letters that can be generated including student-specific information and data. Some can be produced and emailed via the communication module others are designed to be printed and supplied to the student as required.


Generating letters with the following reports and letter names assumes that they have already been configured for your system. If the report or letter that you want to produce has not been configured, contact our Support Team.

The following are some of the built-in letters in Paradigm for your perusal:

The field checkmark columns on the right indicate whether they are required for bulk generation of the report.


The letters mentioned above are designed as attachments to communications and can be generated as a report (PDF file) depending on the format you have specified that can be previewed, printed, or sent to an individual student or in bulk.

Preview Report

  1. To preview the report or letter attachment, navigate to Report > Letters and find the letter name that you want to preview. You can use the Ctrl + F (Windows) or Command F (Mac) when finding your letter.

  2. Click the GET REPORT button under the letter name that you want to be previewed.

  1. Fill out the required parameters. If you have the Student record currently loaded in the system, you can click the Read from current loaded record button next to each field to auto-generate the required information, else, fill out the required fields accordingly.

  1. After filling out the required fields specific to the Student record that you want to preview, click the PREVIEW REPORT button. This will generate a PDF file for you to download and view.

Save and Print Report

To save and print the letter report, refer to the same instructions as the above workflow, and click the SAVE AND PRINT REPORT button instead.

Create a Single Communication Event and Send

Refer to the instructions in the workflow: Send Individual Communication with Attachment.

Send Letter Reports to a Bulk List of Students

Refer to the instructions in the workflow: Send Bulk Communications with Attachment.

Last updated