Attach the Same Local Files to Multiple Communication Events


You can now attach the same local files to your multiple communication events in Paradigm. The file to be attached can be of any type as long as it's applicable to the selected recipients. You are allowed to attach three files to your communication events. Note that if your email has already a report/letter-generated attachment - that is already counted as one attachment.

The instructions in the workflow below assume that you have already created the communication events. If this is not the case, depending on how you are sending the communication events, refer to the following workflows on how to create the communication events:


When following the instructions in the suggested links below, do not get to the last step where you will click the send button for your communication events to be sent.


  1. After you have created your communication events, navigate to the Communication menu.

If you want to add CC or BCC recipients, refer to this workflow: Sending Communications using the CC and BCC Recipients

  1. Search for the Communication Name/Email Subject of the communication events that you have created. You can also search by Status Id and Communication Type. Click the SEARCH COMMUNICATIONS button.

  1. Select the communication Ids that you want to be included and click the ADD SELECTED EVENTS TO BULK LIST

  1. In the COMMUNICATION EVENT BULK LIST section, finalise your recipients or you can put a checkmark on the header to select all communication event Ids and click the ATTACH FILE button below.

  1. After clicking the ATTACH FILE button, go to the ATTACH FILE TO BULK COMMUNICATION LIST section below, upload the file, enter all other required fields, and click the ATTACH button.

  1. Clicking the ATTACH button will give you the progress showing that the file has been attached to the selected recipients. Click the ATTACH FILE button again to attach another file.

Select the recipients again, and click the SEND TO RECIPIENTS button to send.

Last updated