Send Individual Communication with Attachment

This page contains instructions on how to send an email with an attachment to a Student in Paradigm


Paradigm can send a report or letter as an attachment to a communication event. Some of the most commonly required reports and letters are the Commonwealth Assistance Notice (CAN), Academic Transcript, etc. These essential reports are built and formatted to be dynamically attached to a communication event when required and can be accessed via the Reports > Letters menu in Paradigm.

Contact our Support Team if you have a specific report that you wish to be available as an attachment to communication events.


A recent update on sending communications in Paradigm - you can now attach the same external files to your selected bulk communication events, refer to the Attach the Same Files to Multiple Communication Events for the workflow.


External File Attachment

  1. Load the Student record to whom you want to send an email, see Search a Student record.

  2. Once the Student record is loaded, you have two ways to access the communication module in Paradigm:

    • Alternatively, navigate to the Student > Communication menus on the side.

  3. Go to the COMMUNICATION DETAILS section. Select the From and To fields accordingly. If you want to add CC or BCC recipients, refer to this workflow: Sending Communications using the CC and BCC Recipients

Enter the Email Subject, Communication Status, Course Enrolment, and Party To Address Role. Please note that if you're using a specific email template, the Email Subject will automatically adopt the template's name.


The Party To Address Role field can have more than one item selected for the case where the Student has different email addresses in their Billing and Residential Contact Details, see Edit Student Details.

  1. Select an existing template from the Communication Template Message section if required and available, see Manage Email Templates, or directly compose your message in the Communication Description/Email Body section.

For sending a communication event to an individual student with a required Report Attachment, e.g. Student Transcript, CAN, etc., refer to the next workflow: Send Individual Communication with Attachment instructions.

Click the SAVE ONLY button.

  1. Go back up to the COMMUNICATION EVENT SEARCH section. (1) Enter your search criteria, e.g. search for the subject, (2) click the SEARCH COMMUNICATIONS button, and (3) click the ID of the communication event which you want to add an attachment.

  1. With the Communication Event loaded, go to the ASSOCIATED FILE ATTACHMENTS section below and click the ADD FILE ATTACHMENT button. It will load the EDIT FILE ATTACHMENT screen. Edit or add the fields and upload the file accordingly.

  1. After adding the file, navigate to Student > Communication menus on the side and click the SAVE AND SEND button to send the Communication Event.

Alternatively, you can watch an animated workflow below on how to send an individual communication event with an external attachment:

Paradigm Letter Reports Attachment

  1. With the student record loaded in the system, choose Reports > Letters menus on the side.

  2. After loading the Letters menu, find the report or attachment that you want to send. You can use Ctrl + F (Windows) or Command-F (Mac) to find the specific title of the report/letter.

  3. Once you have found the report/letter that you want to send, e.g. Commonwealth Assistance Notice (CAN), click the GET REPORT button.

  1. A new screen will appear showing the fields that are required and/or available for you to filter the report to generate only the content that you choose, and send to your intended recipient. We recommend that you add or choose details in all the required fields before generating the report.


Specific workflows on how to generate letter reports in Paradigm can be found here.

  1. Choose the Report Output file format that you want, e.g. PDF.

  2. Choose the option PREVIEW REPORT to view the report before sending, and then click the CREATE SINGLE COMMUNICATION EVENT AND SEND button. This will open the Communication Module for the Student whose details have now been specified in the report parameter fields.

  1. You have the option to download and preview the report before sending it by going to the ASSOCIATED FILE ATTACHMENTS section.

  2. Once you are satisfied with the report, check the email fields required in the COMMUNICATION DETAILS section above, and click the SAVE AND SEND button.

Last updated