Send Text Message (SMS) Communications

This page contains instructions on how to send text message (SMS) communications in Paradigm


The instructions below assume that you have already received a confirmation from us about your Paradigm being configured successfully and ready to send SMS communications. Refer to the steps on how you can get started with this feature if this is not the case yet: Text Message (SMS) Sending


Sending Text Message (SMS) Communications type in Paradigm has the same process as sending email communications when it comes to getting to the screen and to whom you are going to send the communications.

  1. Load the Communications screen. Refer to the following initial steps to follow when sending SMS communications:

  2. After loading an individual Student's communication screen or after selecting your bulk list of Students and navigating to the Communications menu, go to the COMMUNICATION DETAILS section and take note of the following fields:

    • To - select the recipient if sending it to one Student, leave this field if sending to a bulk list of Students

    • If you want to add CC or BCC recipients, refer to this workflow: Sending Communications using the CC and BCC Recipients

    • Communication Type - change this field to SMS Text Message

    • Party to Address Role - select which address type in Paradigm with the mobile number registered you want to send the message. Note that you can select both.

    • Communication Template Message - select an SMS template here if you have one. To add an SMS message template, see Provider: Add a Data Resource

    • SMS Text Message - check (if using an SMS message template), enter or type (if typing the message directly) your message contents here.

  1. After filling out the required fields and your text message, click the SAVE AND SEND button to start sending.

Last updated