Sending Communications using the CC and BCC Recipients

Paradigm's CC and BCC recipients feature enables including additional recipients in your communications. By utilising the CC (Carbon Copy) field, you can include individuals who are relevant to the conversation and should be informed about the discussion. On the other hand, the BCC (Blind Carbon Copy) field allows you to discreetly include recipients without revealing their identities to other participants. This versatile feature offers enhanced flexibility and efficiency in communication within the Paradigm platform.

To help you make the most of this powerful feature, we have prepared a step-by-step workflow that provides detailed instructions on how to utilise the CC and BCC recipients option effectively. This workflow will guide you through the process, ensuring seamless integration of this feature into your communication practices. Please refer to the following steps:

Add Providers, Agents, and Contacts to the List

For the Providers and Contacts record to be included in the list to be selected as CC or BCC recipients, please take note of the following:

In the example below, a Contact named Joan Fernandez is assigned a "Communication event recipient" role and she now appears in the Communication Event CC and BCC Recipients.

assigning a role to a Contact record

In another example below, a Provider called "Silverband Demo College of the World" is assigned a "Communication Sender" role and it now appears in the Communication Event CC and BCC Recipients.

assigning a role to a Provider record

After you have finalised your CC and BCC recipients, you can now refer to the following workflows and start sending communications using the new feature.

Last updated