Manage Sending Email and SMS Communications

This page contains links to our articles on how you can manage the communication workflows in Paradigm

Initial Setup and Configuration Requirements

The communication event module uses the email delivery provider SendGrid to deliver emails on behalf of the users. To avoid being classified as SPAM, it is important that our SendGrid email server IP address ( is white-listed to ensure that Paradigm is able to send emails on behalf of your existing company email server. It may also be necessary to configure a DKIM or SPF DNS record to ensure that Paradigm is permitted to send emails on behalf of a provider email domain.

After your IT person/department has white-listed our IP address, you can try sending bulk communications by referring to the workflows below – if there are any further issues, please raise a ticket to our Support Team.

For more details, please contact the Silverband Support Team.

To start sending email communications, refer to the following workflows:

For SMS communications, refer to the following workflow:

Manage Email Templates

Last updated