Apply for a Course as an Authorised Agent

  1. Login as an Agent to the portal using the provided credential by the institution.

  2. In the portal, navigate to the Enrolments > Applicants menus on the side. Go to the AVAILABLE COURSE APPLICATIONS section.


The courses accessible in the section for agents to apply on behalf of students are your offered Scheduled Programs, see Add a Scheduled Program.

  1. Click the Apply for course link against the course you want the student to be in to start the application process.

The application forms function similarly to the Online Application process. If you're a full admin user of Paradigm, you can customise the available fields, labels, and sections by following the workflows provided here.

During the application process, a section pertaining to AUTHORISED AGENT DETAILS will display your information as the agent representing the applicant. You also have the opportunity to include application-related notes if needed.

  1. Proceed with the application until you've fulfilled all requirements and accepted the terms for submission.

Last updated