Applicant Accept or Reject an Offer Page

Applicant Accepts the Offer

Data Resource Template: EMAIL_OFFER_ACCEPTED - Edit this email template as this email will be sent to the applicant as a confirmation that they have accepted the offer. The following mail merge fields are available for this template:

  • {et_student_firstName} {et_student_lastName}

  • {et_program_eduProgramId} - {et_program_programName}

  • {user_login_userLoginId}

  • {user_login_currentPassword}

Applicant Rejects the Offer

If the applicant chooses to decline the offer, you can customise the options in the dropdown for their rejection reasons. You'll find this in the Edit Code Items menu under the Code Type Id of EPEA_DELCINE_REASON.

The Data Resource Template: EMAIL_OFFER_REJECT is the email that the applicant receives confirming the rejection of the offer.

Last updated