Page 4: Applicant Course Details

Single-Subject Courses Non-TCSI Reportable

If you have single-subject courses that are non-TCSI reportable and you wish to allow applicants to choose their preferred Scheduled Unit or Subject for the offering, please refer to the instructions here on how to activate this feature.

Select Course Offerings Across Multiple Campuses

If your institution has multiple campuses and you'd like applicants to select courses offered at their preferred campus, please follow the instructions provided here to enable this feature.

How to make the Courses appear in the dropdown

The Courses in the dropdown appear based on the following Scheduled Programs fields:

  • Offer Start Date

  • Contact Hours [Full/Part-Time]

  • Contact Mode [Online, On Campus, etc.]

You also have the option to inquire directly with the applicant about their plans for financing their studies with your institution: [UPFRONT/FEE-HELP]


Raise a support ticket outlining your preferences for the presentation of the dropdown list showcasing your offered courses. You have the flexibility to add in your requirements how many courses an applicant can apply for.

RPL | Advanced Standing Section

Secondary School Information Section

Tertiary Education Information Section

Authorised Agent Details

Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) Section

References Section

Employer Section


The dropdown items for the Employment Type and Duration fields are code items that can be modified using the following code type IDs: EMPLOYMENT_TYPE and EMPLOY_DURATION

Last updated