Application Review Request


The Application Review Request screen offers a streamlined approach to your online course application process. By utilising this screen, you can document the approval of application requirements effectively. It covers various aspects, including viewing the applicant's quality assurance requirements status summary for the course, assigning a reviewer, adding comments, and communicating with both the reviewer and the admissions office. This screen provides a comprehensive record of the applicant's course application approval journey.

Add a Reviewer

To add a reviewer, the contact record must be assigned the role of "Application Reviewer", see Assign Roles to a Contact.

Add an Admission Provider Record | Role

You can submit reviews directly to your admissions office. To enable this option, please ensure that the designated email address for your institution, such as, is properly configured to receive these emails.

Detailed instructions can be found below:

  1. If a Provider record with the same email address already exists, please assign the additional role of "Admissions" to that record.

  2. If the admission email address is not already associated with an existing Provider record, please create a new Provider record and ensure that the "Admissions" role is added.

How to Access the Course Enrolment Application | Review Screen?

  1. Load the Applicant's record. When searching for the applicant via the Student > Search menu, change the status to "Applied".

  1. With the Applicant summary screen record loaded, go to the COURSE ENROLMENTS section. Click the ACTIONS menu against the applied Course and select the Course Enrolment Application menu.

  1. Click the SAVE DETAILS button to continue to the next page of the application form.


DO NOT change the Application Status Id field. When the status is 'Completed,' it indicates that the applicant has finalised, submitted, and signed the application, rendering it uneditable. An 'In-Process' status signifies that the applicant has yet to finalise the application. Changing it from 'Completed' to 'In-Process' prompts applicants to review their application further and make any necessary edits.

  1. In the next pages of the application, click the SAVE AND CONTINUE button to proceed to the next page.


As a reviewer or any FULL ADMIN user, you can also edit fields within the application form and save your changes by selecting the 'Save Application Modifications' option.

Create a New Application Review Request

  1. In the Course Enrolment Application screen, go to the APPLICATION REVIEW REQUESTS section and click the CREATE NEW button.

  1. Fill out the necessary fields accordingly:

    • Customer Request ID - You can set this field as your internal request ID or the name or title of the request

    • Status - The statuses in the dropdown list can be customised by editing the status ID called CUSTREQ_STTS

    • Manager Party Id/Reviewer - The names in the dropdown list are the names of the contacts with the assigned role of "Application Reviewer", see Assign Roles to a Contact.

    • Description - Provide the details of the request

  1. Click the SAVE button to save.

  2. The assigned Party Id or Contact with a role as "Application Reviewer" will now find the review request on their Dashboard menu


The list in the top-right menu displays requests related to the user, regardless of whether they are the request's manager. This encompasses the Request Taker (the individual who recorded the request) and the Requesting Party (the person initiating the request).

Record a Comment

Refer to the instructions above on how to access the screen and create a new request. To record a comment, edit the request go to the COMMENTS section, enter your comments under the Reason section and click the RECORD COMMENT button.

View the Course Quality Assurance Summary

You can access the Quality Assurance Summary in this section. For guidance on recording the student's checklist and ensuring their requirements are met for course acceptance, please refer to the provided instructions here: Record a Quality Assurance or Assessment

Application Review Communication Events

This section displays the communication events associated with the review requests made for the student's course application. Here, you can view the communications sent to both the reviewer and the admissions team.


Before sending communications to admissions, ensure that the provider with the admission email has been configured as described earlier.

Last updated