Step 5 - Confirm and Update Details


When the Student Login Credentials are provided to the applicant, the applicant at this stage is now considered as a Student with an Active status in Paradigm, and the Course Enrolment Status is ENROLLED after they have logged in as a student and confirm their details in the Student Portal.


Video Tutorial Link: Applicant: Receives the Offer, Review, Accept Terms, Proceed to Student Portal

Step-by-step instructions on updating and confirming details – Student Portal screen.

  1. After an applicant has been provided with the Student Login Credentials, they can now confirm their details


As mentioned in the workflow above, this is where you as a Provider can customise the fields that you wish to grant permission to the student to update, and these fields will relate to the student’s TCSI reportable information.

  1. With all the details and information confirmed, the applicant has now become an official student of your business or institution, enrolled in a course, and can now navigate to some of the menus in Paradigm that you have made available for your students to access.

  1. The student can now proceed to enrol into units by navigating to Student > Course Plan menus on their portal, see the next page workflow for more details.

For more information on configuring the course outline, see Courses > Manage Course Outline and refer to the article Student > Course Plan if you want the student to apply via the Course Plan on their portal.

The menus and features that are available to a student will depend on your settings and configurations as the administrator of Paradigm. If you want the student to enrol via the Course Plan on their portal, it is assumed that the Course Plan of that particular Course Offering has already been established, see Manage Course Outlines.

Alternatively, you can watch a demo clip below on confirming the details:

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