Error: Sum of Enrolled Credit Points could not be returned

This error occurs during Unit Enrolments.


One of the units a student is enrolled in has a credit statement not completed with a value that the system cannot sum. Use the report builder to audit credit statements for units.

When using the Report Builder to audit the credit statements for units, you can use the "Unit Details" Base Report and check the field or column name called "Credit Statement", see Build a Report for a more detailed workflow.

This error pertains to the value you have entered under the Credit Point Statement field for each Base Unit record. You can refer to the Base Unit Record Type for the fields that you can add to a Base Unit record.

Credit Point Statement field under the Base Unit record

The field requires a number value to be entered. Entering other types, e.g. text or characters on this field or leaving this field blank will result in an error as this field is crucial in calculating the total credit points that the Student has enrolled for the Course.

You can check the current Student's credit points summary when you go to the Student Summary screen > COURSE ENROLMENTS section > click the ACTIONS button against the Course Enrolment > and select the Academic Summary option.

Student Academic Summary screen

Last updated