Add Agents on Course Enrolment Record


If your business or institution has authorised agents that are helping your students with their application process and are receiving commissions upon enrolments of students to a course, Paradigm can keep track of the commissions per Unit Enrolment record or on the Course Enrolment level - depending on the agreed payment arrangement between you, the students, and the agents.

Prerequisite Records

The following are required to be in the system before you can refer to the instructions below on how the agents and commissions work in Paradigm:

  • Agent Provider Records are already added, see Add New Agent Records

  • Commission Rules have been added and each Agent Provider record has already been associated with the rules that apply to them, see Agent Commission Rules

Add Agent on Course Enrolment Record


It is highly recommended that prior to enrolling the students (who have agents) on the course, the prerequisite records specified above must already exist in the system.

  1. In the COURSE DETAILS section of the Student Course Enrolment record, go to the Agent field and search for the Agent Provider name that the Student is to be associated with.

  1. After adding the Agent, click the SAVE COURSE ENROLMENT button. Saving the record will trigger the system to add the applicable rule that meets the Student Course Enrolment circumstance and add the Agent Commission Percentage value. It will also show you the Commission Rule Id that has been applied.

Also, note that you can still override the Agent Commission Percentage field on the Course Enrolment level - doing this will override the commission rule applied.

  1. Proceed to the Agents | OSHC Finances workflows for the invoicing and receipting of agent commissions.

AgentsManage Course FeesAgents | OSHC Finances

Last updated