Edit Course Enrolments in Bulk

This page will provide you with instructions on how to edit Course Enrolment records in bulk within Paradigm.


The Bulk Course Edit screen is used to edit course enrolment details which requires sometimes to be edited in bulk for data entry efficiency. There are two bulk actions involved to complete this workflow, one is to bulk generate the student list, then the Bulk Course Edit screen to edit some course enrolment fields. This knowledge article will provide a workflow for editing/updating students' course enrolment in bulk.


When updating bulk information or enrolling students into units in bulk care must be taken to ensure that only the students who should be updated/enrolled appear in the initial list. Errors from bulk updates are much harder to fix as they need to be manually fixed one at a time as there is not a bulk undo option.

This function should be reserved for higher-level staff or power users who understand the complexities of the system.


  1. Create a bulk list of targeted students you want to edit the Course Enrolment details.

Choose one from the available workflows in Paradigm on how you can generate a bulk list of students here. When selecting a workflow to generate a bulk list of students, ensure that the column includes both the Student Number and Course Enrolment Id.

If you want to create a bulk list of students via the Search Course menu, follow the instructions on this workflow.

  1. After your list has been generated, navigate to the Student > Bulk Course Edit menus on the side. Note the final list of the students to be edited is shown in the COURSE ENROLMENT BULK LIST section.

Under the ENROLMENT DETAILS section, edit/update the required fields and click the SAVE ALL ENROLMENTS button to save the changes applicable to the Course Enrolment records of the bulk list of students.


The fields that you can see and edit on your site depend on how it's configured. Please keep in mind that the screenshot below doesn't display all available fields for bulk editing/updating under the Course Enrolment records.

Bulk Edit via Import Wizard

This bulk edit workflow will let you edit the Course Enrolments records with your specified changes to fields saved in a CSV file via the Import Wizard menu. Contact our Support Team to discuss the requirements of your Course Enrolment fields to be edited.

Last updated