Edit Graduation Details


  1. Load the Student Summary screen, see Search a Student record.

  2. Go to the COURSE ENROLMENTS section and click the ACTIONS button against the Course Enrolment record that you want to print the transcript and select the Edit Graduation option.

  1. In the Graduation screen, edit the following sections accordingly:

Graduation Eligibility Section

  • All Requirements Complete – Has the student completed all requirements to graduate (not just academic) e.g. Exit interviews, returned all materials to the library, finance check for outstanding fees, returned any borrowed equipment? Yes / No

  • Academic Requirements Complete – Has the student met all of the Academic requirements to complete the course? Yes / No

  • Graduated Award – The full name of the course / Award the student has / will complete to appear on the parchment.

  • Graduand – Is the student ready but pre-graduation

  • Certificate – Has the student received their parchment/certificate? Yes / No

  • Graduation Status – Graduand / Graduated / Pending

  • Graduation Message - Default message (conditional label) that is dependent on the total credit points achieved by the student in the course of study, see Academic Summary: Graduation Message Section

Graduation Dates Section

  • Graduation Date – The date the student graduated

  • Certificate Date – The date the certificate was produced

  • Information Date Sent – The date the graduation information pack was sent to the student

  • Award Application Date Sent – The date the confirmation of completion is sent to the student

  • Award Application Date Received – The date the confirmation of completion information is received back to the institution

Graduation Ceremony Details Section

  • Ceremony Location – The ceremony location the student is planning on attending.

  • Attending Ceremony – Will the student be attending the ceremony? Yes / No

  • Ceremony Date – The date the ceremony is scheduled for

  • Graduation Item(s) To Hire – Trencher Cap / Hood / Stole

  • Graduation Item(s) To Purchase – Trencher Cap / Hood / Stole

  • No. of Graduation Guests – The number of guests/tickets required for attending the ceremony for this graduand

  • Academic Dress Required – Does the student require academic attire? Yes / No

  • Hood Purchase – Yes / No

  • Trencher Size – Cap / Mortarboard / Bonnet Size

  • Gown Size – The size of graduation gown required for student

  • Notes – Any additional notes required - e.g. Student has mobility issues and requires assistance with stairs at the ceremony venue.

Graduation Document Numbers Section

  • Parchment Number – The unique Parchment id number - Can be system allocated if required

  • Transcript Number – The unique Transcript id number - Can be system allocated if required

  • SOA Number – Statement Of Attainment - Can be system allocated if required

  • Other Certificate Number – Institution-Specific Graduation Certificate or Report number as specified, required and requested

Print the Student TranscriptSet Transcript Number in BulkBulk Edit Graduation DetailsBulk Generate AHEGS and Transcript

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