Record a Quality Assurance or Assessment


The workflow below assumes that you have already completed the necessary pre-requisite steps:


  1. Load the Student Course Enrolment record and navigate to the Student > Course Enrolment > Quality Assurance menus on the side.

  2. If the Course has only one checklist assigned, the screen automatically loads the list or items included in the checklist. However, if you have two or more checklists applied for that Course, you have to select the Checklist ID that you want to check and click the LOAD button.

  1. After the checklist has been loaded, you can now start recording whatever applies to the currently loaded Course Enrolment and click the SAVE button.

  1. After clicking the SAVE button, in the QUALITY ASSURANCE section below, you will see the fields to set the results.

    • Status - You can set the recorded answers as Valid | Invalid

    • Reason Code - You can provide the reason code here for the recorded QA. Note that the items on the dropdown of this field can be customised via the Edit Labels menu under the Code Type Id of EQA_REASON

    • Reason - add more details of the recorded QA here


You have the option to click the SET ASSURANCE FROM CHECKLIST button to generate a system-generated result based on the recorded answers to the list. If you want to clear the results, simply click the CLEAR button.

  1. With the finalised results, click the RECORD NEW QUALITY ASSESSMENT button

  1. The recorded result will now be logged into the QUALITY ASSURANCE SUMMARY section.


Once a Quality Assurance Assessment is recorded and logged, it cannot be edited or deleted. However, you have the option to record a new result, allowing you to update or modify the previously saved assessments. Additionally, for convenient access, the Quality Assurance Summary can be easily viewed under the Student > Course Enrolment > Course screen.

Last updated