Report an Early Exit Award via the Graduation Screen

This page will provide you with instructions on how to report an Early Exit Awards Packet in Paradigm


Students who decide to discontinue their studies prior to earning their qualification may be eligible to graduate with a related qualification or award in a process known as Early Exit. For Higher Education providers, these academic outcomes are reported to the government in the form of an Early Exit Packet. Paradigm offers an efficient mechanism for reporting Early Exit awards via the Course Graduation screen.

The workflow below focuses on the instructions on how to report an Early Exit Award packet in Paradigm via the Graduation screen. More details on the Early Exit Award Packet and the step-by-step guide on what to do for cases when students will decide to do an early exit from here.


  1. Load the original Course Enrolment or the Course to be Early Exited, see Load a Course Enrolment record

  2. After loading the Course Enrolment, you have two ways to load the EDIT Graduation page:

    • On the Student Summary page (Student > Summary), go to the COURSE ENROLMENTS section and click the ACTIONS button of the course enrolment that you want to edit, or you can;

    • Choose Student > Course Enrolment > Course menus on the side. This will display the course(s) enrolled by the student.

  3. Click the ACTIONS button on the right of the course enrolment of the student that you want to report an early exit and select the Edit Graduation option.

  4. The Edit Graduation option will open the graduation details of the student. Scroll down and go to the EARLY EXIT AWARDS section, and click the NEW EARLY EXIT AWARD button.

adding a new early exit award
  1. Enter the reportable information for an early exit.

    • Course – Select the Course/Program that the student is being awarded as part of their early exit from their Course Enrolment

    • Course Outcome Code (E599) – Select the correct outcome code here. There are only 2 possible reportable outcomes for an early exit, see the TCSI Early Exit Awards Packet:

      • Completed (E599 value 1), or

      • Completed but continuing a related course (E599 value 5)

    • Course Outcome Date (E592) – Select the date when the early exit was approved by the Provider

    • Entity Status – Set this field to Active

early exit required details

TCSI Reporting Notes:

  • If the student is continuing the related course admission, report an early exit award packet with an outcome code of β€œCompleted but continuing a related course [E599 = 5]”

  • If the student is not continuing with the course in the related course admission record, set the Course Outcome code (E599) of the Course Enrolment to be early exited to β€œTransferred [E599 = 6 - Transfer to complete a related course]” and report an early exit award packet with an outcome code of β€œCompleted”.

  1. Click the SAVE DETAILS button after filling out the required information.

  2. After clicking the SAVE DETAILS button you should see SUCCESS messages confirming the submission of the packet.

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