Search Students by Course

This page provides you with instructions on how to search students by using some of the Course Enrolment criteria in Paradigm.


The Student Search Course menu in Paradigm can produce a list of all students who are enrolled in a specific course to create a bulk list of students. You can also edit each of the students' Course Enrolment records via this page. There are many fields that you can use to search for specific criteria related to your student enrolments. This article provides instructions on how you can search for students by course with all the featured search criteria, and how you can add a list of search results (students) to a bulk list.


  1. Choose the Student menu > Search Course.

In the COURSE ENROLMENT SEARCH section, you must choose one of the available options in the drop box: Course Name.

Choose or type values for any of the following to further filter the results to be shown in the list: Enrolment Status, Home Institution, Funding Type, Start Date, End Date, Contact Mode, Contact Hours, Order By, Agent

You can choose from the available options in the Order By field to sort the listed results.

course enrolment search criteria
  1. Click the SEARCH COURSE ENROLMENTS button after setting up your filters.

A table will appear with the list of the students that match your applied filters.

To filter the results further, you can type a keyword in the Filter Box specific to your target list. Once you're satisfied with the records that remain in your result list, there are three actions you can take with the records in your list:

(A) You can copy the list or generate a CSV | Excel | PDF file of the list

(B) Click the EDIT button against the Course Enrolment record that you want to view or edit.

(C) Add the list as a bulk list to perform bulk operations in Paradigm, see Create a Bulk List via the Search Course menu

course enrolment search results

Create a Bulk List via the Search Course menu

If you need a detailed workflow on how to create a bulk list via the Student > Search Course menu, refer to this workflow: Create a Bulk List via the Search Course menu

Last updated