Enrol a Student in a Scheduled Program with Linked Units


This process streamlines student enrolment into a Scheduled Program along with its associated Scheduled Units. It offers an efficient method to enrol a student in a course and its linked units simultaneously. Please be mindful that when utilising this workflow, accurate completion of TCSI-required fields is crucial, particularly within the Student record, Scheduled Program, and Scheduled Units, especially for TCSI-reportable records.

Prerequisite Records

Prior to following the workflow below, the following are assumed to be true:


  1. Load the student’s record, see Search a Student record.

  2. After loading the student’s record, choose the Student > Course Enrolment > Course menus on the side.

  3. Go to the SCHEDULED PROGRAM LIST section. Click the ADD COURSE & UNITS against the Course that you want the student to be enrolled in.

To check for the details of the Scheduled Program and its linked Scheduled Units, click the + sign. If the student is already enrolled in the Course, you will only be given an option to ADD UNITS.


Please be aware that selecting 'ADD COURSE & UNITS' or 'ADD UNITS' will not successfully enrol a student in the Course and Scheduled Units if TCSI reportable fields are missing from these related records: Student record, Scheduled Program, and Scheduled Units.

  1. You should receive success messages about the enrolment. Navigate to the Student > Summary screen to check the current Course and Unit Enrolments of the student.

Last updated