Update Unit Enrolment Status [E355]

This page will provide you with instructions on how to update the Unit Enrolment Status [E355]


For a TCSI reportable Unit Enrolment, updating the Unit Enrolment Status [E355] to a TCSI-mapped value will auto-send the updated status to TCSI. Real-time validation errors will apply.


per Unit Enrolment record

  1. Refer to the instructions on this workflow: Edit a Unit Enrolment record.

  2. Once the Unit Enrolment Edit screen is loaded, in the UNIT DETAILS section, edit or update the required Enrolment Status.

  3. Click the SAVE UNIT ENROLMENT button.

per Student record

  1. Load the Student record, see Search a Student record.

  2. With the Student record loaded, navigate to Student > Course Enrolment > Units menus on the side.

  3. In the UNITS ENROLLED BY STUDENT section, select the Unit Enrolments that you want to update the enrolment status.

  4. After selecting the Unit Enrolment records, in the Select Action to perform on Units section, select the Update enrolment status for the selected units option.

  5. Select the Enrolment Status that is applicable to the selected Unit Enrolments and click the SUBMIT button.

Bulk Edit the Unit Enrolment Status

  1. Refer to the instructions on this workflow: Bulk Edit Unit Enrolment Fields

  2. One of the fields that you can edit in bulk following that workflow is the Enrolment Status.

Last updated